Module simuPOP.sampling

This module provides classes and functions that could be used to draw samples from a simuPOP population. These functions accept a list of parameters such as subPops ((virtual) subpopulations from which samples will be drawn) and numOfSamples (number of samples to draw) and return a list of populations. Both independent individuals and dependent individuals (Pedigrees) are supported.

Independent individuals could be drawn from any Population. pedigree information is not necessary and is usually ignored. Unique IDs are not needed either although such IDs could help you identify samples in the parent Population.

Pedigrees could be drawn from multi-generational populations or age-structured populations. All individuals are required to have a unique ID (usually tracked by operator IdTagger and are stored in information field ind_id). Parents of individuals are usually tracked by operator PedigreeTagger and are stored in information fields father_id and mother_id. If parental information is tracked using operator ParentsTagger and information fields father_idx and mother_idx, a function sampling.indexToID can be used to convert index based pedigree to ID based Pedigree. Note that ParentsTagger can not be used to track Pedigrees in age-structured populations because they require parents of each individual resides in a parental generation.

All sampling functions support virtual subpopulations through parameter subPops, although sample size specification might vary. This feature allows you to draw samples with specified properties. For example, you could select only female individuals for cases of a female-only disease, or select individuals within certain age-range. If you specify a list of (virtual) subpopulations, you are usually allowed to draw certain number of individuals from each subpopulation.

class BaseSampler

class simuPOP.sampling.BaseSampler

A sampler extracts individuals from a simuPOP population and return them as separate populations. This base class defines the common interface of all sampling classes, including how samples prepared and returned.


Create a sampler with parameter subPops, which will be used to prepare population for sampling. subPops should be a list of (virtual) subpopulations from which samples are drawn. The default value is ALL_AVAIL, which means all available subpopulations of a Population.


Draw and return a sample.

drawSamples(pop, numOfSamples)

Draw multiple samples and return a list of populations.

prepareSample(pop, rearrange)

Prepare passed population object for sampling according to parameter subPops. If samples are drawn from the whole population, a Population will be trimmed if only selected (virtual) subpopulations are used. If samples are drawn separately from specified subpopulations, Population pop will be rearranged (if rearrange==True) so that each subpoulation corresponds to one element in parameter subPops.

class RandomSampler

class simuPOP.sampling.RandomSampler

A sampler that draws individuals randomly.

RandomSampler(sizes, subPops=ALL_AVAIL)

Creates a random sampler with specified number of individuals.


Draw a random sample from passed population.

drawSamples(pop, numOfSamples)

Draw multiple samples and return a list of populations.

prepareSample(pop, rearrange)

Prepare passed population object for sampling according to parameter subPops. If samples are drawn from the whole population, a Population will be trimmed if only selected (virtual) subpopulations are used. If samples are drawn separately from specified subpopulations, Population pop will be rearranged (if rearrange==True) so that each subpoulation corresponds to one element in parameter subPops.

Function drawRandomSample

simuPOP.sampling.drawRandomSample(pop, sizes, subPops=ALL_AVAIL)

Draw sizes random individuals from a population. If a single sizes is given, individuals are drawn randomly from the whole population or from specified (virtual) subpopulations (parameter subPops). Otherwise, a list of numbers should be used to specify number of samples from each subpopulation, which can be all subpopulations if subPops=ALL_AVAIL (default), or from each of the specified (virtual) subpopulations. This function returns a population with all extracted individuals.

Function drawRandomSamples

simuPOP.sampling.drawRandomSamples(pop, sizes, numOfSamples=1, subPops=ALL_AVAIL)

Draw numOfSamples random samples from a population and return a list of populations. Please refer to function drawRandomSample for more details about parameters sizes and subPops.

class CaseControlSampler

class simuPOP.sampling.CaseControlSampler

A sampler that draws affected and unaffected individuals randomly.

CaseControlSampler(cases, controls, subPops=ALL_AVAIL)

Ceates a case-control sampler with specified number of cases and controls.


Draw a case control sample

drawSamples(pop, numOfSamples)

Draw multiple samples and return a list of populations.


Find out indexes all affected and unaffected individuales.

Function drawCaseControlSample

simuPOP.sampling.drawCaseControlSample(pop, cases, controls, subPops=ALL_AVAIL)

Draw a case-control samples from a population with cases affected and controls unaffected individuals. If single cases and controls are given, individuals are drawn randomly from the whole Population or from specified (virtual) subpopulations (parameter subPops). Otherwise, a list of numbers should be used to specify number of cases and controls from each subpopulation, which can be all subpopulations if subPops=ALL_AVAIL (default), or from each of the specified (virtual) subpopulations. This function returns a population with all extracted individuals.

Function drawCaseControlSamples

simuPOP.sampling.drawCaseControlSamples(pop, cases, controls, numOfSamples=1, subPops=ALL_AVAIL)

Draw numOfSamples case-control samples from a population with cases affected and controls unaffected individuals and return a list of populations. Please refer to function drawCaseControlSample for a detailed descriptions of parameters.

class PedigreeSampler

class simuPOP.sampling.PedigreeSampler

The base class of all pedigree based sampler.

PedigreeSampler(families, subPops=ALL_AVAIL, idField='ind_id', fatherField='father_id', motherField='mother_id')

Creates a pedigree sampler with parameters

number of families. This can be a number or a list of numbers. In the latter case, specified families are drawn from each subpopulation.
A list of (virtual) subpopulations from which samples are drawn. The default value is ALL_AVAIL, which means all available subpopulations of a population.

Randomly select Pedigrees

drawSamples(pop, numOfSamples)

Draw multiple samples and return a list of populations.


Get the family of individual with id.

prepareSample(pop, loci=[], infoFields=[], ancGens=True)

Prepare self.pedigree, some pedigree sampler might need additional loci and information fields for this sampler.

class AffectedSibpairSampler

class simuPOP.sampling.AffectedSibpairSampler

A sampler that draws a nuclear family with two affected offspring.

AffectedSibpairSampler(families, subPops=ALL_AVAIL, idField='ind_id', fatherField='father_id', motherField='mother_id')

Initialize an affected sibpair sampler.


Randomly select Pedigrees

drawSamples(pop, numOfSamples)

Draw multiple samples and return a list of populations.


Return id, its spouse and their children


Find the father or all affected sibpair families

Function drawAffectedSibpairSample

simuPOP.sampling.drawAffectedSibpairSample(pop, families, subPops=ALL_AVAIL, idField='ind_id', fatherField='father_id', motherField='mother_id')

Draw affected sibpair samples from a population. If a single families is given, affected sibpairs and their parents are drawn randomly from the whole population or from specified (virtual) subpopulations (parameter subPops). Otherwise, a list of numbers should be used to specify number of families from each subpopulation, which can be all subpopulations if subPops=ALL_AVAIL (default), or from each of the specified (virtual) subpopulations. This function returns a population that contains extracted individuals.

Function drawAffectedSibpairSamples

simuPOP.sampling.drawAffectedSibpairSamples(pop, families, numOfSamples=1, subPops=ALL_AVAIL, idField='ind_id', fatherField='father_id', motherField='mother_id')

Draw numOfSamples affected sibpair samplesa from population pop and return a list of populations. Please refer to function drawAffectedSibpairSample for a description of other parameters.

class NuclearFamilySampler

class simuPOP.sampling.NuclearFamilySampler

A sampler that draws nuclear families with specified number of affected parents and offspring.

NuclearFamilySampler(families, numOffspring, affectedParents=0, affectedOffspring=0, subPops=ALL_AVAIL, idField='ind_id', fatherField='father_id', motherField='mother_id')

Creates a nuclear family sampler with parameters

number of families. This can be a number or a list of numbers. In the latter case, specified families are drawn from each subpopulation.
number of offspring. This can be a fixed number or a range [min, max].
number of affected parents. This can be a fixed number or a range [min, max].
number of affected offspring. This can be a fixed number of a range [min, max].
A list of (virtual) subpopulations from which samples are drawn. The default value is ALL_AVAIL, which means all available subpopulations of a population.

Randomly select Pedigrees

drawSamples(pop, numOfSamples)

Draw multiple samples and return a list of populations.


Return id, its spouse and their children


Prepare self.pedigree, some pedigree sampler might need additional loci and information fields for this sampler.

Function drawNuclearFamilySample

simuPOP.sampling.drawNuclearFamilySample(pop, families, numOffspring, affectedParents=0, affectedOffspring=0, subPops=ALL_AVAIL, idField='ind_id', fatherField='father_id', motherField='mother_id')

Draw nuclear families from a population. Number of offspring, number of affected parents and number of affected offspring should be specified using parameters numOffspring, affectedParents and affectedOffspring, which can all be a single number, or a range [a, b] (b is incldued). If a single families is given, Pedigrees are drawn randomly from the whole population or from specified (virtual) subpopulations (parameter subPops). Otherwise, a list of numbers should be used to specify numbers of families from each subpopulation, which can be all subpopulations if subPops=ALL_AVAIL (default), or from each of the specified (virtual) subpopulations. This function returns a population that contains extracted individuals.

Function drawNuclearFamilySamples

simuPOP.sampling.drawNuclearFamilySamples(pop, families, numOffspring, affectedParents=0, affectedOffspring=0, numOfSamples=1, subPops=ALL_AVAIL, idField='ind_id', fatherField='father_id', motherField='mother_id')

Draw numOfSamples affected sibpair samplesa from population pop and return a list of populations. Please refer to function drawNuclearFamilySample for a description of other parameters.

class ThreeGenFamilySampler

class simuPOP.sampling.ThreeGenFamilySampler

A sampler that draws three-generation families with specified pedigree size and number of affected individuals.

ThreeGenFamilySampler(families, numOffspring, pedSize, numOfAffected=0, subPops=ALL_AVAIL, idField='ind_id', fatherField='father_id', motherField='mother_id')
number of families. This can be a number or a list of numbers. In the latter case, specified families are drawn from each subpopulation.
number of offspring. This can be a fixed number or a range [min, max].
number of individuals in the Pedigree. This can be a fixed number or a range [min, max].
number of affected individuals in the Pedigree. This can be a fixed number or a range [min, max]
A list of (virtual) subpopulations from which samples are drawn. The default value is ALL_AVAIL, which means all available subpopulations of a population.

Randomly select Pedigrees

drawSamples(pop, numOfSamples)

Draw multiple samples and return a list of populations.


Return id, its spouse, their children, children’s spouse and grandchildren


Prepare self.pedigree, some pedigree sampler might need additional loci and information fields for this sampler.

Function drawThreeGenFamilySample

simuPOP.sampling.drawThreeGenFamilySample(pop, families, numOffspring, pedSize, numOfAffected=0, subPops=ALL_AVAIL, idField='ind_id', fatherField='father_id', motherField='mother_id')

Draw three-generation families from a population. Such families consist of grant parents, their children, spouse of these children, and grand children. Number of offspring, total number of individuals, and total number of affected individuals in a pedigree should be specified using parameters numOffspring, pedSize and numOfAffected, which can all be a single number, or a range [a, b] (b is incldued). If a single families is given, Pedigrees are drawn randomly from the whole Population or from specified (virtual) subpopulations (parameter subPops). Otherwise, a list of numbers should be used to specify numbers of families from each subpopulation, which can be all subpopulations if subPops=ALL_AVAIL (default), or from each of the specified (virtual) subpopulations. This function returns a population that contains extracted individuals.

Function drawThreeGenFamilySamples

simuPOP.sampling.drawThreeGenFamilySamples(pop, families, numOffspring, pedSize, numOfAffected=0, numOfSamples=1, subPops=ALL_AVAIL, idField='ind_id', fatherField='father_id', motherField='mother_id')

Draw numOfSamples three-generation pedigree samples from population pop and return a list of populations. Please refer to function drawThreeGenFamilySample for a description of other parameters.

class CombinedSampler

class simuPOP.sampling.CombinedSampler

A combined sampler accepts a list of sampler objects, draw samples and combine the returned sample into a single population. An id field is required to use this sampler, which will be used to remove extra copies of individuals who have been drawn by different samplers.

CombinedSampler(samplers=[], idField='ind_id')
A list of samplers

Draw and return a sample.

drawSamples(pop, numOfSamples)

Draw multiple samples and return a list of populations.

prepareSample(pop, rearrange)

Prepare passed population object for sampling according to parameter subPops. If samples are drawn from the whole population, a Population will be trimmed if only selected (virtual) subpopulations are used. If samples are drawn separately from specified subpopulations, Population pop will be rearranged (if rearrange==True) so that each subpoulation corresponds to one element in parameter subPops.

Function drawCombinedSample

simuPOP.sampling.drawCombinedSample(pop, samplers, idField='ind_id')

Draw different types of samples using a list of samplers. A Population consists of all individuals from these samples will be returned. An idField that stores an unique ID for all individuals is needed to remove duplicated individuals who are drawn multiple numOfSamples from these samplers.

Function drawCombinedSamples

simuPOP.sampling.drawCombinedSamples(pop, samplers, numOfSamples=1, idField='ind_id')

Draw combined samples numOfSamples numOfSamples and return a list of populations. Please refer to function drawCombinedSample for details about parameters samplers and idField.