Pythonic issues

from simuPOP import * v.s. import simuPOP

Generally speaking, it is recommended to use import simuPOP rather than from simuPOP import * to import a simuPOP module. That is to say, instead of using

from simuPOP import *
pop = Population(size=100, loci=[5])
simu = Simulator(pop, RandomMating())

it is recommended that you use simuPOP like

import simuPOP
pop = simuPOP.Population(size=100, loci=[5])
simu = simuPOP.Simulator(pop, simuPOP.RandomMating())

The major problem with from simuPOP import * is that it imports all simuPOP symbols to the global namespace and increases the likelihood of name clashes. For example, if you import a module myModule after simuPOP, which happens to have a variable named MALE, the following code might lead to a TypeError indicating your input for parameter sex is wrong.

from simuPOP import *
from myModule import *
pop = Population(size=100, loci=[5])
initSex(pop, sex=[MALE, FEMALE])

It can be even worse if the definition of MALE is changed to a different value of the same type (e.g. to FEMALE) and your simulation might produce erroranous result without a hint.

For the sake of brevity, all examples in this user’s guide use import simuPOP as sim as an alternative form of the import simuPOP style. This saves some keystrokes by referring simuPOP functions as sim.Population() instead of simuPOP.Population(). Note that simuPOP has a number of submodules, which are not imported by default. The recommended syntax to load these modules is:

# import and use submodule simuPOP.utils
from simuPOP import utils
utils.simulateBackwardTrajectory(N=1000, endGen=100, endFreq=0.1)

References and the clone()member function

Assignment in Python only creates a new reference to an existing object. For example,

pop = Population()
pop1 = pop

creates a reference pop1 to population pop. Modifying pop1 will modify pop as well and the removal of pop will invalidate pop1. For example, a reference to the first Population in a simulator is returned from function func() in Example lst_Reference_to_Population. The subsequent use of this pop object may crash simuPOP because the simulator simu is destroyed, along with all its internal populations, after func() is finished, leaving pop referring to an invalid object.

Example: Reference to a population in a simulator

def func():
    simu = Simulator(Population(10), RandomMating(), rep=5)
    # return a reference to the first Population in the simulator
    return simu.population(0)

pop = func()
# simuPOP will crash because pop refers to an invalid Population.

If you would like to have an independent copy of a population, you can use the clone() member function. Example lst_Reference_to_Population would behave properly if the return statement is replaced by

return simu.population(0).clone()

although in this specific case, extracting the first population from the simulator using the extract function

return simu.extract(0)

would be more efficient.

The clone() function exists for all simuPOP classes (objects) such as simulator, mating schemes and operators. simuPOP also supports the standard Python shallow and deep copy operations so you can also make a cloned copy of pop using the deepcopy function defined in the Python copy module

import copy
pop1 = copy.deepcopy(pop)

Zero-based indexes, absolute and relative indexes

All arrays in simuPOP start at index 0. This conforms to Python and C++ indexes. To avoid confusion, I will refer the first locus as locus zero, the second locus as locus one; the first individual in a population as Individual zero, and so on.

Another two important concepts are the absolute index and relative index of a locus. The former index ignores chromosome structure. For example, if there are 5 and 7 loci on the first two chromosomes, the absolute indexes of the two chromosomes are (0, 1, 2, 3, 4), (5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11) and the relative indexes are (0, 1, 2, 3, 4), (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6). Absolute indexes are more frequently used because they avoid the trouble of having to use two numbers (chrom, index) to refer to a locus. Two functions chromLocusPair(idx) and absLocusIndex(chrom,index) are provided to convert between these two kinds of indexes. An individual can also be referred by its absolute index and relative index where relative index is the index in its subpopulation. Related member functions are subPopIndPair(idx) and absIndIndex(idx, subPop). Example absIndex demonstrates the use of these functions.

Example: Conversion between absolute and relative indexes

>>> import simuPOP as sim
>>> pop = sim.Population(size=[10, 20], loci=[5, 7])
>>> print(pop.chromLocusPair(7))
(1, 2)
>>> print(pop.absLocusIndex(1, 1))
>>> print(pop.absIndIndex(2, 1))
>>> print(pop.subPopIndPair(25))
(1, 15)

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Ranges and iterators

Ranges in simuPOP also conform to Python ranges. That is to say, a range has the form of [a,b)where abelongs to the range, and bdoes not. For example, pop.chromBegin(1)refers to the index of the first locus on chromosome 1 (actually exists), and pop.chromEnd(1)refers to the index of the last locus on chromosome 1 plus 1, which might or might not be a valid index.

A number of simuPOP functions return Python iterators that can be used to iterate through an internal array of objects. For example, Population.Individuals([subPop]) returns an iterator iterates through all individuals, or all individuals in a (virtual) subpoulation. Simulator.populations() can be used to iterate through all populations in a simulator. Example iterator demonstrates the use of ranges and iterators in simuPOP.

Example: Ranges and iterators

>>> import simuPOP as sim
>>> pop = sim.Population(size=2, loci=[5, 6])
>>> sim.initGenotype(pop, freq=[0.2, 0.3, 0.5])
>>> for ind in pop.individuals():
...     for loc in range(pop.chromBegin(1), pop.chromEnd(1)):
...         print(ind.allele(loc))

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Empty, ALL_AVAIL and dynamic values for parameters loci, reps, ancGen and subPops

Parameters loci, reps and subPops are widely used in simuPOP to specify which loci, replicates, ancestral generations, or (virtual) subpulations a function or operator is applied to. These parameter accepts a list of indexes such as [1, 2], names such as ['a', 'b'], and take single form inputs (e.g. loci=1 is equivalent to loci=[1]). For example,

  • Recombinator(loci=[]) recombine at no locus, and
  • Recombinator(loci=1) recombine at locus 1
  • Recombinator(loci=[1,2,4]) recombine at loci 1, 2, and 4
  • Recombinator(loci=[('1', 20), ('1', 25)]) recombine at loci with position 20 and25 on chromosome 1. This usage is only available for parameter loci.
  • Recombinator(loci=['a2', 'a4']) recombine at loci 'a2' and 'a4'.

The last method is easier to understand in some cases. Moreover, when you use loci names instead of indexes in an operator, this operator can be applied to populations with loci at different locations. For example

MaSelector(loci='a2', fitness=[1,1.01,1.02])

will be applied to locus a2 regardless the actual location of this locus in the population to which this operator is applied.

However, in the majority of the cases, these parameters take a default value ALL_AVAIL which applies the function or operator to all available loci, replicates or subpopulations. That is to say, Recombinator() or Recombinator(loci=ALL_AVAIL) will recombine at all applicable loci, which will vary from population to population. Value UNSPECIFIED is sometimes used as default parameter of these parameters, indicating that no value has been specified. Similarly, subPops=[0, 'Male'] can be used to refer a virtual subpopulation with name 'Male', regardless its virtual subpopulation index.

Besides subPops=ALL_AVAIL, which means subPops=[0,1,2,3] for a population with 4 subpopulations, ALL_AVAIL could also be used as subPops=[(ALL_AVAIL, 1)] to specify a specific virtual subpopulation for all subpopulations, or subPops=[(1, ALL_AVAIL)] or even subPops=[(ALL_AVAIL, ALL_AVAIL)] to specify all virtual subpopulations in specified or all subpopulations. This becomes handy when you, for example, would like to list all male individuals in a population, regardless of number of subpopulations.

User-defined functions and class WithArgs *

Some simuPOP objects call user-defined functions to perform customized operations. For example, a penetrance operator can call a user-defined function with genotype at specified loci and use its return value to determine the affection status of an individual.

simuPOP uses parameter names to determine which information should be passed to such a function. For example, a PyOperator will pass a reference to each offspring to a function defined with parameter off (e.g. func(off)) and references to offspring and his/her parents to a function defined with parameters off, dad, and mom (e.g. func(off, dad, mom)). For example, Example userFunc defines a function func(geno, smoking) using parameters geno and smoking so operator PyPenetrance will pass genotype at specified loci and value at information field smoking to this function.

Example: Use of user-defined Python function in simuPOP

>>> import simuPOP as sim
>>> import random
>>> pop = sim.Population(1000, loci=1, infoFields='smoking')
>>> sim.initInfo(pop, lambda:random.randint(0,1), infoFields='smoking')
>>> sim.initGenotype(pop, freq=[0.3, 0.7])
>>> # a penetrance function that depends on smoking
>>> def func(geno, smoking):
...     if smoking:
...         return (geno[0]+geno[1])*0.4
...     else:
...         return (geno[0]+geno[1])*0.1
>>> sim.pyPenetrance(pop, loci=0, func=func)
>>> sim.stat(pop, numOfAffected=True)
>>> print(pop.dvars().numOfAffected)

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However, there are circumstances that you do not know the number or names of parameters in advance so it is difficult to define such a function. For example, your function may use an information field with programmed name ‘off+str(numOffspring) where numOffspring is a parameter. In this case, you can create a wrapper function object using WithArgs(func, args) and list passed arguments in args (e.g. WithArgs(func, args=['geno', 'off' + str(numOffspring)]). As long as simuPOP knows which arguments to pass, your function can be defined in any format you want (e.g. use *args parameters). Example WithArgs provides such an example.

Example: Specify arguments of user-provided function using function WithArgs

>>> import simuPOP as sim
>>> import random
>>> pop = sim.Population(1000, loci=1, infoFields=('x', 'y'))
>>> sim.initInfo(pop, lambda:random.randint(0,1), infoFields=('x', 'y'))
>>> sim.initGenotype(pop, freq=[0.3, 0.7])
>>> # a penetrance function that depends on unknown information fields
>>> def func(*fields):
...     return 0.4*sum(fields)
>>> # function WithArgs tells PyPenetrance that func accepts fields x, y so that
>>> # it will pass values at fields x and y to func.
>>> sim.pyPenetrance(pop, loci=0, func=sim.WithArgs(func, pop.infoFields()))
>>> sim.stat(pop, numOfAffected=True)
>>> print(pop.dvars().numOfAffected)

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Exception handling *

As shown in Examples lst_Use_of_standard_module and lst_Use_of_optimized_module, optimized modules raise less exceptions than standard modules. More specifically, the standard modules check for invalid inputs frequently and raise exceptions (e.g. out of bound loci indexes). In constrast, the optimized modules only raise exceptions where proper values could not be pre-determined (e.g. looking for an individual in a population with an ID). Only exceptions that are raised in both types of modules are documented in the simuPOP reference manual.

Generally speaking, you should avoid using exceptions to direct the logic of your script (e.g. use a try ... except ... statement around a function to find a valid input value). Because the optimized modules might not raise these exceptions, such a script may crash or yield invalid results when an optimized module is used. If you have to use such a structure, please check the reference manual and see whether or not an exception will be raised in optimized modules.