Module simuPOP.demography

Predefined migration models

The following functions are defined to generate migration matrixes for popular migration models.

  • migrIslandRates(r, n) returns a \(n\times n\) migration matrix

    \[\begin{split}\left(\begin{array}{ccccc} 1-r & \frac{r}{n-1} & ... & ... & \frac{r}{n-1}\\ \frac{r}{n-1} & 1-r & ... & ... & \frac{r}{n-1}\\ & & ...\\ \frac{r}{n-1} & ... & ... & 1-r & \frac{r}{n-1}\\ \frac{r}{n-1} & ... & ... & \frac{r}{n-1} & 1-r \end{array}\right)\end{split}\]

    for a traditional island model where individuals have equal probability of migrating to any other subpopulations. This model is also called a migrant- pool island model.

  • migrHierarchicalIslandRates(r1, r2, n) models a hierarchical island model in which local populations are grouped into neighborhoods within which there is considerable gene flow and between which there is less gene flow. \(n\) should be a list of group size. \(r_{1}\) is the within-group migration rate and \(r_{2}\) is the cross-group migration rate. That is to say, an individual in an island has probability \(1-r_{1}-r_{2}\) to stay, \(r_{1}\) to be a migratant to other islands in the group (migration rate depending on the size of group), and \(r_{2}\) to be a migrant to other islands in another group (migration rate depending on the number of islands in other groups). Both \(r_{1}\) and \(r_{2}\) can vary across groups of islands. For example, migrHierarchicalIslandRates([r11, r12], r2, [3, 2]) returns a \(5\times5\) migration matrix

    \[\begin{split}\left(\begin{array}{ccccc} 1-r_{11}-r_{2} & \frac{r_{11}}{2} & \frac{r_{11}}{2} & \frac{r_{2}}{2} & \frac{r_{2}}{2}\\ \frac{r_{11}}{2} & 1-r_{11}-r_{2} & \frac{r_{11}}{2} & \frac{r_{2}}{2} & \frac{r_{2}}{2}\\ \frac{r_{11}}{2} & \frac{r_{11}}{2} & 1-r_{11}-r_{2} & \frac{r_{2}}{2} & \frac{r_{2}}{2}\\ \frac{r_{2}}{3} & \frac{r_{2}}{3} & \frac{r_{2}}{3} & 1-r_{12}-r_{2} & r_{12}\\ \frac{r_{2}}{3} & \frac{r_{2}}{3} & \frac{r_{2}}{3} & r_{12} & 1-r_{12}-r_{2} \end{array}\right)\end{split}\]
  • migrSteppingStoneRates(r, n, circular=False) returns a \(n\times n\) migration matrix

    \[\begin{split}\left(\begin{array}{ccccc} 1-r & r\\ r/2 & 1-r & r/2\\ & & ...\\ & & r/2 & 1-r & r/2\\ & & & r & 1-r \end{array}\right)\end{split}\]

    and if circular=True, returns

    \[\begin{split}\left(\begin{array}{ccccc} 1-r & r/2 & & & r/2\\ r/2 & 1-r & r/2\\ & & ...\\ & & r/2 & 1-r & r/2\\ r/2 & & & r/2 & 1-r \end{array}\right)\end{split}\]
  • migr2DSteppingStoneRates(r, m, n, diagonal=False, circular=False)models a 2D stepping stone model in which local populations are arranged into a lattice of \(m\times n\) (\(m\) rows, \(n\) columns) patches. The population thus needs to have \(m\times n\) subpopulations with subpopulation indexes counted by row. In this model, an individual in a center patch has a probability of \(1-r\) to stay, and \(r/4\) to migrate to its neighbor patches if diagonal is set to False, or \(r/8\) to migrate to 8 neighbors (including diagnal ones) if range is set to 8. If circular is set to False, the corner patch has a probability of \(r/2\) or \(r/3\) (if range=8) to migrate, and a side patch has a probability \(r/3\) or \(r/5\) to migrate. If circular is set to True, the lattice will be conceptually connected to a ball so that there is no boundary effect. For example, for a 3 by 2 lattice

    \[\begin{split}\left(\begin{array}{cc} 0 & 1\\ 2 & 3\\ 4 & 5 \end{array}\right)\end{split}\]

    with diagonal=False and circular=False, the migration matrix will be

    \[\begin{split}\left(\begin{array}{cccccc} 1-r & \frac{r}{2} & \frac{r}{2}\\ \frac{r}{2} & 1-r & & \frac{r}{2}\\ \frac{r}{3} & & 1-r & \frac{r}{3} & \frac{r}{3}\\ & \frac{r}{3} & \frac{r}{3} & 1-r & & \frac{r}{3}\\ & & \frac{r_{2}}{2} & & 1-r & \frac{r}{2}\\ & & & \frac{r}{2} & \frac{r}{2} & 1-r \end{array}\right)\end{split}\]

Many more migration models have been proposed and studied, sometimes under different names with slightly different definitions. If you cannot find your model there, it should not be too difficult to construct a migration rate matrix for it. I will be glad to add such functions to this module if you could provide a reference and your implementation of the model.

Uniform interface of demographic models

A realistic demographic models can be very complex that involves population growth, population bottleneck, subdivided populations, migration, population split and admixture for a typical demographic model for human populations, and carrying capacity, fecunity, sex distribution and many more factors for more complex ones (e.g. models for animal populations under continuous habitat). The goal of this module is to provide a common interface for demographic models, classes for frequently used demographic models, and several pre-defined demographic models for human populations. More complex demographic models will be added if needed.

A demographic model usually consists of the following components:

  • An initial population size that is used to initialize a population (the size parameter of sim.Population)
  • One or more operators to split and merge populations (e.g. Operators SplitSubPops)
  • One or more operators to migrate individuals across subpopulations (e.g. operator Migrator)
  • Determine sizes of subpopulations before mating (parameter subPopSize of a mating scheme)
  • Number of generations to evolve (parameter gen of the evolve function) or operators to terminate the evolution conditionally (e.g. operator TerminateIf)

Using an object-oriented approach, a demographic model defined in this module encapsulates all these in a single object. More specifically, a demographic object model is a callable Python object that

  • has attribute model.init_size and model.info_fields to determine the initial population size and required information fields to construct an initial population (e.g., sim.Population(size=model.init_size, infoFields=model.info_fields + ['my_fields']))
  • handles population split, merge, migration etc internally before mating when it is passed to parameter subPopSize of a mating scheme. (e.g. RandomMating(subPopSize=model))
  • has attribute model.num_gens to determine the number of generations to evolve (e.g. pop.evolve(..., gen=model.num_gens)). The model can optionally terminate the evolution by returnning an empty offspring population size before mating.
  • provides a function model.plot(filename='', title='') to plot the demographic function. It by default prints out population sizes whenever population size changes. If a filename is specified and if module matplotlib is available, it will plot the demographic model and save it to filename. A title can be specified for the figure. This function actually use the demographic model to evolve a haploid population using RandomSelection mating scheme, which is a good way to test if your demographic model works properly.
  • saves population sizes of evolved generations, which makes it possible to revert an evolutionary process to an previous state using operator RevertIf.

A demographic model can be defined in two ways. The first approach is to specify the size of subpopulations at each generation, and the second approach is to specify the events that change population sizes. The simuPOP.demography module provides functions and classes to define demographic models using both approaches and you can use the one that is most convenient for your model.

Demographic models defined by outcomes

The simuPOP.demography module defines a number of widely used demographic models, including linear and exponential population growth with carrying capacity, shrink, split and merge, and bottleneck.

For example,

  • InstantChangeModel(T=1000, N0=1000, G=500, NG=2000)
defines an instant population growth model that expands a population of size from 1000 to 2000 instantly at generation 500
  • InstantChangeModel(T=1000, N0=1000, G=[500, 600], NG=[100, 1000])
defines a bottleneck model that introduces a bottleneck of size 100 between generation 500 and 600 to a population of size 1000
  • InstantChangeModel(T=1000, N0=1000, G=500, NG=[[400, 600]])
defines a bottleneck model that split a population of size into two subpopulations of sizes 400 and 600 at generation 500
  • ExponentialGrowthModel(T=100, N0=1000, NT=10000)
expands a population of size 1000 to 10000 in 100 generations
  • ExponentialGrowthModel(T=100, N0=[200, 800], r=[0.02, 0.01],
        ops=Migrator(rate=[[0, 0.1], [0.1, 0]])
expands a population of two subpopulation sizes at rate 0.02 and 0.01 for 100 generations, with migration between these two subpopulations. The initial population will be resized (split if necessary) to two populations of sizes 200 and 800.
  • LinearGrowthModel(N0=(200, 'A'), r=0.02, NT=1000)
expands a population of size 200 at a rate 0f 0.02 (add 4 individuals at each generation) until it reaches size 1000. Here the initial size is expressed as a size name tuple, which directs the demographic model to assign the name A to the initial population. Such named size is acceptable for all places where population size is needed.

Here we specify only two of the three parameters for linear and exponential growth models and allow simuPOP to figure out the rest. If all three parameters are specified, the ending population size will be interpretted as carraying capacity, namely population growth (or decline of negative rates are specified) will stop after it reaches the specified size.

A demographic model does not have to have a fixed initial population size. If an initial population size is not provided, its size will be determined from the population when it is first applied to. For example

  • InstantChangeModel(T=100, G=50, NT=[0.5, 0.5])
split a population into two equally sized subpopulations at generation 50. The ending population size is set to [0.5, 0.5], which means 50% of the size at time G.
  • InstantChangeModel(T=100, G=50, NT=[None, 100])
forks a population of size 100 from the main population at generation 50. NT=[None, 100] is equivalent to NT=[1.0, 100] in this case.
  • InstantChangeModel(T=0, removEmptySubPops=True)
removes all empty subpopulations from the existing subpopulation. Here we do not specify an input population size because the the size of the input population will be kept.
  • InstantChangeMoel(T=0, N0=[None, 0, None], removEmptySubPops=True)
removes the second of the three subpopulations while keep other two subpopulations intact. The input population of this demographic model must have three subpopulations.
  • ExponentialGrowthModel(T=100, NT=[10000, 20000])
expands a population of two subpopulations to sizes 10000 and 20000 in 100 generations. An error will be raised if the population does not have two subpopulations.
  • ExponentialGrowthModel(T=100, N0=[1., 400], NT=[10000, 20000],
        ops=Migrator(rate=[[0, 0.1], [0.1, 0]])
split a population into two subpopulations. The first one keeps all individuals (100%), the second one with 400 individuals, and then expands them, with migration, to sizes 10000 and 20000 in 100 generations.

The demography model also defines two models for population admxture. The HI model (Hybrid Isolation) model creates a separate subpopulation with \(\mu\) and \(1-\mu\) individuals from two specified subpopulations. The CGF (Continuous Gene Flow) model replaces \(1-\mu\) individuals from the doner population at each generation, thus keep both the recipient and doner population constant in size. For example,

  • AdmixtureModel(model=('HI', 1, 3, 0.5, 'Admixed'), T=10)
Creates a separate population with 50% of individuals from subpopulation 1 and 50% of individuals from subpopulation 3, regardless if population sizes 1 and 3 have the same number of individuals. An optional name Admixed is assigned to the new subpopulation. The admixed population will evolve independently for 10 generations.
  • AdmixtureModel(model=('CGF', 1, 3, 0.9), T=10)
Replaces 10% of individuals in subpopulation 1 with individuals from subpopulation 3 for 10 generations.

As you can imagine, these models do not provide a valid init_size to initialize a population. As a matter of fact, they are mostly stacked to other demographic models to form more complex demographic models, in model MultiStageModel. For example,

  • MultiStageModel([
        InstantChangeModel(T=1000, N0=1000, G=[500, 600], NG=[100, 1000]),
        ExponentialGrowthModel(T=100, NT=10000)
defines a demographic model with a bottleneck followed by exponential population growth. N0 of the second stage is not specified because it is determined from its previous stage.
  • MultiStageModel([
        LinearGrowthModel(T=100, N0=1000, r=0.01),
        ExponentialGrowthModel(T=100, N0=[0.4, 0.6], r=0.001),
        ExponentialGrowthModel(r=0.01, NT=[2000, 4000]),
        AdmixtureModel(model=('HI', 0, 1, 0.8, 'admixed'), T=10)

defines a demographic model that expands a single population linearly for 100 generations, split into two subpopulations and grow exponentially at a rate of 0.001, and growth at a higher rate of 0.01 until they reaches sizes 2000 and 4000 respectively. This stage is tricky because one of the subpopulations will reach its carrying capacity sooner and keep a contant population size afterwards. As the last step, the two populations admixed and formed a new subpopulation called admixed. The model is depicted in figure fig_multi_stage

Figure: A linear and two stage exponential population growth model, followed by population admixture


Example demoModel defines a demographic model use it to evolve a population. The demographic model is depicted in Figure fig_demoModel_example.

Example: A demographic model for human population

>>> import simuPOP as sim
>>> from simuPOP.demography import *
>>> model = MultiStageModel([
...     InstantChangeModel(T=200,
...         # start with an ancestral population of size 1000
...         N0=(1000, 'Ancestral'),
...         # change population size at 50 and 60
...         G=[50, 60],
...         # change to population size 200 and back to 1000
...         NG=[(200, 'bottleneck'), (1000, 'Post-Bottleneck')]),
...     ExponentialGrowthModel(
...         T=50,
...         # split the population into two subpopulations
...         N0=[(400, 'P1'), (600, 'P2')],
...         # expand to size 4000 and 5000 respectively
...         NT=[4000, 5000])]
...     )
>>> #
>>> # model.init_size returns the initial population size
>>> # migrate_to is required for migration
>>> pop = sim.Population(size=model.init_size, loci=1,
...     infoFields=model.info_fields)
>>> pop.evolve(
...     initOps=[
...         sim.InitSex(),
...         sim.InitGenotype(freq=[0.5, 0.5])
...     ],
...     matingScheme=sim.RandomMating(subPopSize=model),
...     finalOps=
...         sim.Stat(alleleFreq=0, vars=['alleleFreq_sp']),
...     gen=model.num_gens
... )
>>> # print out population size and frequency
>>> for idx, name in enumerate(pop.subPopNames()):
...     print('%s (%d): %.4f' % (name, pop.subPopSize(name),
...         pop.dvars(idx).alleleFreq[0][0]))
P1 (4000): 0.6185
P2 (5000): 0.7218
>>> # get a visual presentation of the demographic model
>>> model.plot('log/demoModel.png',
...     title='A bottleneck + exponential growth demographic model')
A bottleneck + exponential growth demographic model
0: 1000 (Ancestral)
50: 200 (bottleneck)
60: 1000 (Post-Bottleneck)
200: 419 (P1), 626 (P2)
201: 439 (P1), 653 (P2)
202: 459 (P1), 681 (P2)
203: 481 (P1), 711 (P2)
204: 504 (P1), 742 (P2)
205: 527 (P1), 774 (P2)
206: 552 (P1), 807 (P2)
207: 578 (P1), 842 (P2)
208: 605 (P1), 879 (P2)
209: 634 (P1), 917 (P2)
210: 664 (P1), 957 (P2)
211: 695 (P1), 998 (P2)
212: 728 (P1), 1041 (P2)
213: 762 (P1), 1086 (P2)
214: 798 (P1), 1133 (P2)
215: 836 (P1), 1183 (P2)
216: 875 (P1), 1234 (P2)
217: 916 (P1), 1287 (P2)
218: 960 (P1), 1343 (P2)
219: 1005 (P1), 1401 (P2)
220: 1052 (P1), 1462 (P2)
221: 1102 (P1), 1525 (P2)
222: 1154 (P1), 1591 (P2)
223: 1208 (P1), 1660 (P2)
224: 1265 (P1), 1732 (P2)
225: 1325 (P1), 1807 (P2)
226: 1387 (P1), 1885 (P2)
227: 1452 (P1), 1967 (P2)
228: 1521 (P1), 2052 (P2)
229: 1592 (P1), 2141 (P2)
230: 1667 (P1), 2234 (P2)
231: 1746 (P1), 2331 (P2)
232: 1828 (P1), 2432 (P2)
233: 1915 (P1), 2537 (P2)
234: 2005 (P1), 2647 (P2)
235: 2099 (P1), 2761 (P2)
236: 2198 (P1), 2881 (P2)
237: 2302 (P1), 3006 (P2)
238: 2410 (P1), 3136 (P2)
239: 2524 (P1), 3272 (P2)
240: 2643 (P1), 3414 (P2)
241: 2767 (P1), 3562 (P2)
242: 2898 (P1), 3716 (P2)
243: 3034 (P1), 3877 (P2)
244: 3177 (P1), 4045 (P2)
245: 3327 (P1), 4220 (P2)
246: 3484 (P1), 4403 (P2)
247: 3648 (P1), 4593 (P2)
248: 3820 (P1), 4792 (P2)
249: 4000 (P1), 5000 (P2)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/var/folders/ys/gnzk0qbx5wbdgm531v82xxljv5yqy8/T/tmpdvg5jvxd", line 2, in <module>
  File "/Users/bpeng1/anaconda3/envs/sos/lib/python3.6/site-packages/simuPOP/", line 446, in plot
    region = region.reshape(region.size / 4, 4)
TypeError: 'float' object cannot be interpreted as an integer

now exiting runScriptInteractively...


Figure: A exponential population growth followed by bottleneck demographic model


Demographic models defined by population changes (events)

Another way to define a demographic model is to specify the events that changes population sizes. This approach can be easier to use because it conforms with the way many demographic models are specified, also because the events can be specified for a subset of subpopulations so you can, for example, split one subpopulation without worrying about its impact on other subpopulations.

A event-based demographic model is defined using

EventBasedModel(events=[], T=None, N0=None, ops=[], infoFields=[])

whereT and N0 are the duration and initial size of the demographic model, respectively, and ops is the operators that will be applied to the population (without checking applicability). Parameter events acepts one or more of DemographicEvent and its derived classes. For example,

ExpansionEvent(rates=0.05, begin=500)

expands all subpopulations exponentially at a rate of 0.05, and

ExpansionEvent(rates=[0.05, 0.01], capacity=10000, subPops=[0, 2], begin=500)

expands two subpopulations at rates 0.05 and 0.01 respectively, until they reach 10000 individuals in each subpopulation.

ExpansionEvent(slopes=500, subPops=[0, 2], begin=500)

expands the populations linearly by adding 500 individuals to each subpopulation at each generation. These events happen at each generation starting from generation 500.

Simiarly, you can split, merge, and resize subpopulations using events SplitEvent, MergeEvent, and ResizeEvent. For example,

SplitEvent(subPops='AF', sizes=[500, 500], names=['AF', 'EU'], at=-4000)

splits an ancestral population named AF to two populations AF and EU at 4000 generations before the end of the demographic model. The AF population will be expanded automatically if it does not have 1000 individuals.

Finally, an AdmixtureEvent mix two or more subpopulations by certain proportions, and either create a new subpopulation or replace an existing subpopulation. In particular,

AdmixtureEvent(subPops=['MX', 'EU'], at=-10, sizes=[0.4, 0.6], name='MXL')

creates a new admixed population called MXL with 40% of individuals from the MX population, and the rest from the EU population. The admixture process happens once and follows an Hybrid Isolation model. Alternatively,

AdmixtureEvent(subPops=['MX', 'EU'], begin=-10, sizes=[0.8, 0.2], toSubPop='MX')

will create an admixed population with 80% MX and 20% EU individuals for 10 generations. Because 20% of the admixed population will be replaced by individuals from the EU population, this models a continuous gene flow model of admixture. If you would like to control the exact size of the admixed population, you can specify the number of individuals as integer numbers instead of proportions:

AdmixtureEvent(subPops=['MX', 'EU'], begin=-10, sizes=[int(1400*0.8), int(1400*0.2)], toSubPop='MX')

Note that the type of elements in parameter sizes is important, 1. stands for all subpopulation and 1 stands for one individual from it.

ExampledemoEventModel defines the same model as demoModel using an event based demographic model. The result is depicted in Figure fig_demoEventModel_example. These two models look similar but the event-based model does not have the same final population sizes as the previous model. This is because the population size of the previous model was calculated by \(N(t)=N(0)\exp(rt)\) whereas the event based model was calculated using \(N(t)=\mbox{round}(N(t-1)\*(1+r))\) for each generation, and the integer rounding error accumulates over time.

Example: A event-based demographic model

>>> import simuPOP as sim
>>> from simuPOP.demography import *
>>> import math
>>> model = EventBasedModel(
...     N0=(1000, 'Ancestral'),
...     T=250,
...     events=[
...         ResizeEvent(at=50, sizes=200),
...         ResizeEvent(at=60, sizes=1000),
...         SplitEvent(sizes=[0.4, 0.6], names=['P1', 'P2'], at=200),
...         ExpansionEvent(rates=[math.log(4000/400)/50, math.log(5000/600)/50], begin=200)
...     ]
... )
>>> #
>>> # model.init_size returns the initial population size
>>> # migrate_to is required for migration
>>> pop = sim.Population(size=model.init_size, loci=1,
...     infoFields=model.info_fields)
>>> pop.evolve(
...     initOps=[
...         sim.InitSex(),
...         sim.InitGenotype(freq=[0.5, 0.5])
...     ],
...     matingScheme=sim.RandomMating(subPopSize=model),
...     finalOps=
...         sim.Stat(alleleFreq=0, vars=['alleleFreq_sp']),
...     gen=model.num_gens
... )
>>> # print out population size and frequency
>>> for idx, name in enumerate(pop.subPopNames()):
...     print('%s (%d): %.4f' % (name, pop.subPopSize(name),
...         pop.dvars(idx).alleleFreq[0][0]))
P1 (4000): 0.6185
P2 (5000): 0.7218
>>> # get a visual presentation of the demographic model
>>> model.plot('log/demoEventModel.png',
...     title='A event-based bottleneck + exponential growth demographic model')
A event-based bottleneck + exponential growth demographic model
0: 1000 (Ancestral)
50: 200 (Ancestral)
60: 1000 (Ancestral)
200: 419 (P1), 626 (P2)
201: 439 (P1), 653 (P2)
202: 459 (P1), 681 (P2)
203: 481 (P1), 711 (P2)
204: 504 (P1), 742 (P2)
205: 527 (P1), 774 (P2)
206: 552 (P1), 807 (P2)
207: 578 (P1), 842 (P2)
208: 605 (P1), 879 (P2)
209: 634 (P1), 917 (P2)
210: 664 (P1), 957 (P2)
211: 695 (P1), 998 (P2)
212: 728 (P1), 1041 (P2)
213: 762 (P1), 1086 (P2)
214: 798 (P1), 1133 (P2)
215: 836 (P1), 1183 (P2)
216: 875 (P1), 1234 (P2)
217: 916 (P1), 1287 (P2)
218: 960 (P1), 1343 (P2)
219: 1005 (P1), 1401 (P2)
220: 1052 (P1), 1462 (P2)
221: 1102 (P1), 1525 (P2)
222: 1154 (P1), 1591 (P2)
223: 1208 (P1), 1660 (P2)
224: 1265 (P1), 1732 (P2)
225: 1325 (P1), 1807 (P2)
226: 1387 (P1), 1885 (P2)
227: 1452 (P1), 1967 (P2)
228: 1521 (P1), 2052 (P2)
229: 1592 (P1), 2141 (P2)
230: 1667 (P1), 2234 (P2)
231: 1746 (P1), 2331 (P2)
232: 1828 (P1), 2432 (P2)
233: 1915 (P1), 2537 (P2)
234: 2005 (P1), 2647 (P2)
235: 2099 (P1), 2761 (P2)
236: 2198 (P1), 2881 (P2)
237: 2302 (P1), 3006 (P2)
238: 2410 (P1), 3136 (P2)
239: 2524 (P1), 3272 (P2)
240: 2643 (P1), 3414 (P2)
241: 2767 (P1), 3562 (P2)
242: 2898 (P1), 3716 (P2)
243: 3034 (P1), 3877 (P2)
244: 3177 (P1), 4045 (P2)
245: 3327 (P1), 4220 (P2)
246: 3484 (P1), 4403 (P2)
247: 3648 (P1), 4593 (P2)
248: 3820 (P1), 4792 (P2)
249: 4000 (P1), 5000 (P2)

now exiting runScriptInteractively...


Figure: A event-based demographic model


Predefined demographic models for human populations

The simuPOP.demography module currently defines the following models

  • Out of Africa model for YRI, CEU and CHB populations (fig_Out_of_Africa),


    Figure: Out of Africa model for YRI, CEU, and CHB populations

  • The settlement of new world model for Mexican American (fig_Settlement_of_New) ( Gutenkunst, 2009, PLoS Genetics). In this model, the simulated CHB and MX populations are mixed to produce an admixed population at the last generation.


    Figure: Settlement of New World model for Mexican America population

  • The demographic model developed by cosi (Schaffner, 2005, genome research).


    Figure: Demographic models for African, Asian and European populations (cosi)


These functions all accept a parameter scale. If specified, it will scale all population sizes and generation numbers by the specified scaling factor. For example

CosiModel(20000, scale=10)

will result in a demographic model that evolves 2000 instead of 20000 generations, with all population sizes reduced by a factor of 10. Note that the burn-in period of the examples above are relatively short and you might need to use a longer burn-in period (e.g. T=100,000 generations for a burn-in period of about 80,000 generations).

Demographic model without predefined generations to evolve *

All migration models accept one or more operators that will be applied to the population before population population changes are applied. The most frequently application of this operator is to pass a migrator to the model, but we can also pass an operator to terminate a demographic model under certain conditions. For example, Example demoTerminate defines a demographic model that starts with a burn-in stage with indefinite size and will stop if the average allele frequency at segregating sites exceeds 0.1. It splits to two equally sized subpopulations and expand rate a rate of 0.01 to size 2000 and 5000 respectively.

Example: A demographic model with a terminator

>>> import simuPOP as sim
simuPOP Version 1.1.9 : Copyright (c) 2004-2016 Bo Peng
Revision 4583 (Oct 10 2018) for Python 3.6.6 (64bit, 0thread)
Random Number Generator is set to mt19937 with random seed 0x81aae4a664e115de.
This is the standard short allele version with 256 maximum allelic states.
For more information, please visit,
or email (subscription required).
>>> import simuPOP.demography as demo
>>> model = demo.MultiStageModel([
...     demo.InstantChangeModel(N0=1000,
...         ops=[
...             sim.Stat(alleleFreq=sim.ALL_AVAIL, numOfSegSites=sim.ALL_AVAIL),
...             # terminate if the average allele frequency of segregating sites
...             # are more than 0.1
...             sim.TerminateIf('sum([x[1] for x in alleleFreq.values() if '
...                 'x[1] != 0])/(1 if numOfSegSites==0 else numOfSegSites) > 0.1')
...         ]
...     ),
...     demo.ExponentialGrowthModel(N0=[0.5, 0.5], r=0.01, NT=[2000, 5000])
...     ]
... )
>>> pop = sim.Population(size=model.init_size, loci=100)
>>> pop.evolve(
...     initOps=sim.InitSex(),
...     preOps=sim.SNPMutator(u=0.001, v=0.001),
...     matingScheme=sim.RandomMating(subPopSize=model),
...     postOps=[
...         sim.Stat(alleleFreq=sim.ALL_AVAIL, numOfSegSites=sim.ALL_AVAIL,
...             popSize=True, step=50),
...         sim.PyEval(r'"%d: %s, %.3f\n" % (gen, subPopSize, sum([x[1] for x '
...             'in alleleFreq.values() if x[1] != 0])/(1 if numOfSegSites == 0 '
...             'else numOfSegSites))', step=50)
...     ],
... )
0: [1000], 0.001
50: [1000], 0.047
100: [1000], 0.089
150: [738, 738], 0.128
200: [1218, 1218], 0.166
250: [2000, 2007], 0.199
300: [2000, 3310], 0.230

now exiting runScriptInteractively...
