Virtual splitters

class BaseVspSplitter

class BaseVspSplitter

This class is the base class of all virtual subpopulation (VSP) splitters, which provide ways to define groups of individuals in a subpopulation who share certain properties. A splitter defines a fixed number of named VSPs. They do not have to add up to the whole subpopulation, nor do they have to be distinct. After a splitter is assigned to a population, many functions and operators can be applied to individuals within specified VSPs.

Each VSP has a name. A default name is determined by each splitter but you can also assign a name to each VSP. The name of a VSP can be retrieved by function or Population.subPopName().

Only one VSP splitter can be assigned to a population, which defined VSPs for all its subpopulations. If different splitters are needed for different subpopulations, a CombinedSplitter can be used.


This is a virtual class that cannot be instantiated.


All VSP splitter defines a clone() function to create an identical copy of itself.


Return the name of VSP vsp (an index between 0 and numVirtualSubPop()).


Return the number of VSPs defined by this splitter.


Return the index of a virtual subpopulation from its name. If multiple virtual subpopulations share the same name, the first vsp is returned.

class SexSplitter

class SexSplitter

This splitter defines two VSPs by individual sex. The first VSP consists of all male individuals and the second VSP consists of all females in a subpopulation.


Create a sex splitter that defines male and female VSPs. These VSPs are named Male and Female unless a new set of names are specified by parameter names.


Return "Male" if vsp=0 and "Female" otherwise, unless a new set of names are specified.


Return 2.

class AffectionSplitter

class AffectionSplitter

This class defines two VSPs according individual affection status. The first VSP consists of unaffected invidiauls and the second VSP consists of affected ones.


Create a splitter that defined two VSPs by affection status.These VSPs are named Unaffected and Affected unless a new set of names are specified by parameter names.


Return "Unaffected" if vsp=0 and "Affected" if vsp=1, unless a new set of names are specified.


Return 2.

class InfoSplitter

class InfoSplitter

This splitter defines VSPs according to the value of an information field of each indivdiual. A VSP is defined either by a value or a range of values.

InfoSplitter(field, values=[], cutoff=[], ranges=[], names=[])

Create an infomration splitter using information field field. If parameter values is specified, each item in this list defines a VSP in which all individuals have this value at information field field. If a set of cutoff values are defined in parameter cutoff, individuals are grouped by intervals defined by these cutoff values. For example, cutoff=[1,2] defines three VSPs with v < 1, 1 <= v < 2 and v >=2 where v is the value of an individual at information field field. If parameter ranges is specified, each range defines a VSP. For example, ranges=[[1, 3], [2, 5]] defines two VSPs with 1 <= v < 3 and 2 <= 3 < 5. Of course, only one of the parameters values, cutoff and ranges should be defined, and values in cutoff should be distinct, and in an increasing order. A default set of names are given to each VSP unless a new set of names is given by parameter names.


Return the name of a VSP vsp, which is field = value if VSPs are defined by values in parameter values, or field < value (the first VSP), v1 <= field < v2 and field >= v (the last VSP) if VSPs are defined by cutoff values. A user- specified name, if specified, will be returned instead.


Return the number of VSPs defined by this splitter, which is the length parameter values or the length of cutoff plus one, depending on which parameter is specified.

class ProportionSplitter

class ProportionSplitter

This splitter divides subpopulations into several VSPs by proportion.

ProportionSplitter(proportions=[], names=[])

Create a splitter that divides subpopulations by proportions, which should be a list of float numbers (between 0 and 1) that add up to 1. A default set of names are given to each VSP unless a new set of names is given by parameter names.


Return the name of VSP vsp, which is "Prop p" where p=propotions[vsp]. A user specified name will be returned if specified.


Return the number of VSPs defined by this splitter, which is the length of parameter proportions.

class RangeSplitter

class RangeSplitter

This class defines a splitter that groups individuals in certain ranges into VSPs.

RangeSplitter(ranges, names=[])

Create a splitter according to a number of individual ranges defined in ranges. For example, RangeSplitter(ranges=[[0, 20], [40, 50]]) defines two VSPs. The first VSP consists of individuals 0, 1, …, 19, and the sceond VSP consists of individuals 40, 41, …, 49. Note that a nested list has to be used even if only one range is defined. A default set of names are given to each VSP unless a new set of names is given by parameter names.


Return the name of VSP vsp, which is "Range [a, b)" where [a, b) is range ranges[vsp]. A user specified name will be returned if specified.


Return the number of VSPs, which is the number of ranges defined in parameter ranges.

class GenotypeSplitter

class GenotypeSplitter

This class defines a VSP splitter that defines VSPs according to individual genotype at specified loci.

GenotypeSplitter(loci, alleles, phase=False, names=[])

Create a splitter that defines VSPs by individual genotype at loci (can be indexes or names of one or more loci). Each list in a list allele defines a VSP, which is a list of allowed alleles at these loci. If only one VSP is defined, the outer list of the nested list can be ignored. If phase if true, the order of alleles in each list is significant. If more than one set of alleles are given, Individuals having either of them is qualified.

For example, in a haploid population, loci=1, alleles=[0, 1] defines a VSP with individuals having allele 0 or 1 at locus 1, alleles=[[0, 1], [2]] defines two VSPs with indivdiuals in the second VSP having allele 2 at locus 1. If multiple loci are involved, alleles at each locus need to be defined. For example, VSP defined by loci=[0, 1], alleles=[0, 1, 1, 1] consists of individuals having alleles [0, 1] or [1, 1] at loci [0, 1].

In a haploid population, loci=1, alleles=[0, 1] defines a VSP with individuals having genotype [0, 1] or [1, 0] at locus 1. alleles[[0, 1], [2, 2]] defines two VSPs with indivdiuals in the second VSP having genotype [2, 2] at locus 1. If phase is set to True, the first VSP will only has individuals with genotype [0, 1]. In the multiple loci case, alleles should be arranged by haplotypes, for example, loci=[0, 1], alleles=[0, 0, 1, 1], phase=True defines a VSP with individuals having genotype -0-0-, -1-1- at loci 0 and 1. If phase=False (default), genotypes -1-1-, -0-0-, -0-1- and -1-0- are all allowed.

A default set of names are given to each VSP unless a new set of names is given by parameter names.


Return name of VSP vsp, which is "Genotype loc1,loc2:genotype" as defined by parameters loci and alleles. A user provided name will be returned if specified.


number of virtual subpops of subpopulation sp

class CombinedSplitter

class CombinedSplitter

This splitter takes several splitters and stacks their VSPs together. For example, if the first splitter defines 3 VSPs and the second splitter defines 2, the two VSPs from the second splitter become the fourth (index 3) and the fifth (index 4) VSPs of the combined splitter. In addition, a new set of VSPs could be defined as the union of one or more of the original VSPs. This splitter is usually used to define different types of VSPs to a population.

CombinedSplitter(splitters=[], vspMap=[], names=[])

Create a combined splitter using a list of splitters. For example, CombinedSplitter([SexSplitter(), AffectionSplitter()]) defines a combined splitter with four VSPs, defined by male (vsp 0), female (vsp 1), unaffected (vsp 2) and affected individuals (vsp 3). Optionally, a new set of VSPs could be defined by parameter vspMap. Each item in this parameter is a list of VSPs that will be combined to a single VSP. For example, vspMap=[(0, 2), (1, 3)] in the previous example will define two VSPs defined by male or unaffected, and female or affected individuals. VSP names are usually determined by splitters, but can also be specified using parameter names.


Return the name of a VSP vsp, which is the name a VSP defined by one of the combined splitters unless a new set of names is specified. If a vspMap was used, names from different VSPs will be joined by "or".


Return the number of VSPs defined by this splitter, which is the sum of the number of VSPs of all combined splitters.

class ProductSplitter

class ProductSplitter

This splitter takes several splitters and take their intersections as new VSPs. For example, if the first splitter defines 3 VSPs and the second splitter defines 2, 6 VSPs will be defined by splitting 3 VSPs defined by the first splitter each to two VSPs. This splitter is usually used to define finer VSPs from existing VSPs.

ProductSplitter(splitters=[], names=[])

Create a product splitter using a list of splitters. For example, ProductSplitter([SexSplitter(), AffectionSplitter()]) defines four VSPs by male unaffected, male affected, female unaffected, and female affected individuals. VSP names are usually determined by splitters, but can also be specified using parameter names.


Return the name of a VSP vsp, which is the names of indivdual VSPs separated by a comma, unless a new set of names is specified for each VSP.


Return the number of VSPs defined by this splitter, which is the sum of the number of VSPs of all combined splitters.