Global functions

Function closeOutput


Output files specified by '>' are closed immediately after they are written. Those specified by '>>' and '>>>' are closed by a simulator after Simulator.evolve(). However, these files will be kept open if the operators are applied directly to a population using the operators’ function form. In this case, function closeOutput can be used to close a specific file output, and close all unclosed files if output is unspecified. An exception will be raised if output does not exist or it has already been closed.

Function describeEvolProcess

describeEvolProcess(initOps=[], preOps=[], matingScheme=MatingScheme, postOps=[], finalOps=[], gen=-1, numRep=1)

This function takes the same parameters as Simulator.evolve and output a description of how an evolutionary process will be executed. It is recommended that you call this function if you have any doubt how your simulation will proceed.

Function loadPopulation


load a population from a file saved by Population::save().

Function loadPedigree

loadPedigree(file, idField="ind_id", fatherField="father_id", motherField="mother_id", ploidy=2, loci=[], chromTypes=[], lociPos=[], chromNames=[], alleleNames=[], lociNames=[], subPopNames=[], infoFields=[])

Load a pedigree from a file saved by operator PedigreeTagger or function This file contains the ID of each offspring and their parent(s) and optionally sex (‘M’ or ‘F’), affection status (‘A’ or ‘U’), values of information fields and genotype at some loci. IDs of each individual and their parents are loaded to information fields idField, fatherField and motherField. Only numeric IDs are allowed, and individual IDs must be unique across all generations.

Because this file does not contain generation information, generations to which offspring belong are determined by the parent- offspring relationships. Individuals without parents are assumed to be in the top-most ancestral generation. This is the case for individuals in the top-most ancestral generation if the file is saved by function, and for individuals who only appear as another individual’s parent, if the file is saved by operator PedigreeTagger. The order at which offsprng is specified is not important because this function essentially creates a top-most ancestral generation using IDs without parents, and creates the next generation using offspring of these parents, and so on until all generations are recreated. That is to say, if you have a mixture of pedigrees with different generations, they will be lined up from the top most ancestral generation.

If individual sex is not specified, sex of of parents are determined by their parental roles (father or mother) but the sex of individuals in the last generation can not be determined so they will all be males. If additional information fields are given, their names have to be specified using parameter infoFields. The rest of the columns are assued to be alleles, arranged ploidy consecutive columns for each locus. If paraemter loci is not specified, the number of loci is calculated by number of columns divided by ploidy (default to 2). All loci are assumed to be on one chromosome unless parameter loci is used to specified number of loci on each chromosome. Additional parameters such as ploidy, chromTypes, lociPos, chromNames, alleleNames, lociNames could be used to specified the genotype structured of the loaded pedigree. Please refer to class Population for details about these parameters.

Function moduleInfo


Return a dictionary with information regarding the currently loaded simuPOP module. This dictionary has the following keys:

  • revision: revision number.
  • version: simuPOP version string.
  • optimized: Is this module optimized (True or False).
  • alleleType: Allele type of the module (short, long or binary).
  • maxAllele: the maximum allowed allele state, which is 1 for binary modules, 255 for short modules and 65535 for long modules.
  • compiler: the compiler that compiles this module.
  • date: date on which this module is compiled.
  • python: version of python.
  • platform: platform of the module.
  • wordsize: size of word, can be either 32 or 64.
  • alleleBits: the number of bits used to store an allele
  • maxNumSubPop: maximum number of subpopulations.
  • maxIndex: maximum index size (limits population size * total number of marker).
  • debug: A dictionary with debugging codes as keys and the status of each debugging code (True or False) as their values.

Function getRNG


return the currently used random number generator

Function setRNG

setRNG(name='', seed=0)

Set random number generator. This function is obsolete but is provided for compatibility purposes. Please use setOptions instead

Function setOptions

setOptions(numThreads=-1, name=None, seed=0)

First argument is to set number of thread in openMP. The number of threads can be be positive, integer (number of threads) or 0, which implies all available cores, or a number set by environmental variable OMP_NUM_THREADS. Second and third argument is to set the type or seed of existing random number generator using RNG*name* with seed. If using openMP, it sets the type or seed of random number generator of each thread.

Function turnOnDebug


Set debug code code. More than one code could be specified using a comma separated string. Name of available codes are available from moduleInfo()['debug'].keys().

Function turnOffDebug


Turn off debug code code. More than one code could be specified using a comma separated string. Default to turn off all debug codes.