Tagging operators

class IdTagger

class IdTagger

An IdTagger gives a unique ID for each individual it is applies to. These ID can be used to uniquely identify an individual in a multi-generational population and be used to reliably reconstruct a Pedigree.

To ensure uniqueness across populations, a single source of ID is used for this operator. individual IDs are assigned consecutively starting from 1. Value 1 instead of 0 is used because most software applications use 0 as missing values for parentship. If you would like to reset the sequence or start from a different number, you can call the reset(startID) function of any IdTagger.

An IdTagger is usually used during-mating to assign ID to each offspring. However, if it is applied directly to a population, it will assign unique IDs to all individuals in this population. This property is usually used in the preOps parameter of function Simulator.evolve to assign initial ID to a population.

IdTagger(begin=0, end=-1, step=1, at=[], reps=ALL_AVAIL, subPops=ALL_AVAIL, output="", infoFields=["ind_id"])

Create an IdTagger that assign an unique ID for each individual it is applied to. The IDs are created sequentially and are stored in an information field specified in parameter infoFields (default to ind_id). This operator is considered a during-mating operator but it can be used to set ID for all individuals of a population when it is directly applied to the population.


Reset the global individual ID number so that IdTaggers will start from id (default to 1) again.

class InheritTagger

class InheritTagger

An inheritance tagger passes values of parental information field(s) to the corresponding fields of offspring. If there are two parental values from parents of a sexual mating event, a parameter mode is used to specify how to assign offspring information fields.

InheritTagger(mode=PATERNAL, begin=0, end=-1, step=1, at=[], reps=ALL_AVAIL, subPops=ALL_AVAIL, output="", infoFields=[])

Creates an inheritance tagger that passes values of parental information fields (parameter infoFields) to the corresponding fields of offspring. If there is only one parent, values at the specified information fields are copied directly. If there are two parents, parameter mode specifies how to pass them to an offspring. More specifically,

  • mode=MATERNAL Passing the value from mother.
  • mode=PATERNAL Passing the value from father.
  • mode=MEAN Passing the average of two values.
  • mode=MAXIMUM Passing the maximum value of two values.
  • mode=MINIMUM Passing the minimum value of two values.
  • mode=SUMMATION Passing the summation of two values.
  • mode=MULTIPLICATION Passing the multiplication of two values.

An RuntimeError will be raised if any of the parents does not exist. This operator does not support parameter subPops and does not output any information.

class SummaryTagger

class SummaryTagger

A summary tagger summarize values of one or more parental information field to another information field of an offspring. If mating is sexual, two sets of parental values will be involved.

SummaryTagger(mode=MEAN, begin=0, end=-1, step=1, at=[], reps=ALL_AVAIL, subPops=ALL_AVAIL, output="", infoFields=[])

Creates a summary tagger that summarize values of one or more parental information field (infoFields*[:-1]) to an offspring information field (*infoFields*[-1]). A parameter *mode specifies how to pass summarize parental values. More specifically,

  • mode=MEAN Passing the average of values.
  • mode=MAXIMUM Passing the maximum value of values.
  • mode=Minumum Passing the minimum value of values.
  • mode=SUMMATION Passing the sum of values.
  • mode=MULTIPLICATION Passing the multiplication of values.

This operator does not support parameter subPops and does not output any information.

class ParentsTagger

class ParentsTagger

This tagging operator records the indexes of parents (relative to the parental generation) of each offspring in specified information fields ( default to father_idx and mother_idx). Only one information field should be specified if an asexsual mating scheme is used so there is one parent for each offspring. Information recorded by this operator is intended to be used to look up parents of each individual in multi-generational Population.

ParentsTagger(begin=0, end=-1, step=1, at=[], reps=ALL_AVAIL, subPops=ALL_AVAIL, output="", infoFields=["father_idx", "mother_idx"])

Create a parents tagger that records the indexes of parents of each offspring when it is applied to an offspring during-mating. If two information fields are specified (parameter infoFields, with default value ['father_idx', 'mother_idx']), they are used to record the indexes of each individual’s father and mother. Value -1 will be assigned if any of the parent is missing. If only one information field is given, it will be used to record the index of the first valid parent (father if both parents are valid). This operator ignores parameters output and subPops.

class OffspringTagger

class OffspringTagger

This tagging operator records the indexes of offspring within a family (sharing the same parent or parents) in specified information field (default to offspring_idx). This tagger can be used to control the number of offspring during mating.

OffspringTagger(begin=0, end=-1, step=1, at=[], reps=ALL_AVAIL, subPops=ALL_AVAIL, output="", infoFields=ALL_AVAIL)

Create an offspring tagger that records the indexes of offspring within a family. The index is determined by successful production of offspring during a mating events so the it does not increase the index if a previous offspring is discarded, and it resets index even if adjacent families share the same parents. This operator ignores parameters stage, output, and subPops.

class PedigreeTagger

class PedigreeTagger

This tagging operator records the ID of parents of each offspring in specified information fields (default to father_id and mother_id). Only one information field should be specified if an asexsual mating scheme is used so there is one parent for each offspring. Information recorded by this operator is intended to be used to record full pedigree information of an evolutionary process.

PedigreeTagger(idField="ind_id", output="", outputFields=[], outputLoci=[], begin=0, end=-1, step=1, at=[], reps=ALL_AVAIL, subPops=ALL_AVAIL, infoFields=["father_id", "mother_id"])

Create a pedigree tagger that records the ID of parents of each offspring when it is applied to an offspring during-mating. If two information fields are specified (parameter infoFields, with default value ['father_id', 'mother_id']), they are used to record the ID of each individual’s father and mother stored in the idField (default to ind_id) field of the parents. Value -1 will be assigned if any of the parent is missing. If only one information field is given, it will be used to record the ID of the first valid parent (father if both pedigree are valid).

This operator by default does not send any output. If a valid output stream is given (should be in the form of '>>filename' so that output will be concatenated), this operator will output the ID of offspring, IDs of his or her parent(s), sex and affection status of offspring, and values at specified information fields (outputFields) and loci (outputLoci) in the format of off_id father_id mother_id M/F A/U fields genotype. father_id or mother_id will be ignored if only one parent is involved. This file format can be loaded using function loadPedigree.

Because only offspring will be outputed, individuals in the top- most ancestral generation will not be outputed. This is usually not a problem because individuals who have offspring in the next generation will be constructed by function loadPedigree, although their information fields and genotype will be missing. If you would like to create a file with complete pedigree information, you can apply this operator before evolution in the initOps parameter of functions Population.evolve or Simulator.evolve. This will output all individuals in the initial population (the top-most ancestral population after evolution) in the same format. Note that sex, affection status and genotype can be changed by other operators so this operator should usually be applied after all other operators are applied.

class PyTagger

class PyTagger

A Python tagger takes some information fields from both parents, pass them to a user provided Python function and set the offspring individual fields with the return values.

PyTagger(func=None, begin=0, end=-1, step=1, at=[], reps=ALL_AVAIL, subPops=ALL_AVAIL, output="", infoFields=[])

Create a hybrid tagger that provides an user provided function func with values of specified information fields (determined by parameter names of this function) of parents and assign corresponding information fields of offspring with its return value. If more than one parent are available, maternal values are passed after paternal values. For example, if a function func(A, B) is passed, this operator will send two tuples with parental values of information fields 'A' and 'B' to this function and assign its return values to fields 'A' and 'B' of each offspring. The return value of this function should be a list, although a single value will be accepted if only one information field is specified. This operator ignores parameters stage, output and subPops.