Quantitative Trait

class BaseQuanTrait

class BaseQuanTrait

A quantitative trait in simuPOP is simply an information field. A quantitative trait model simply assigns values to one or more information fields (called trait fields) of each individual according to its genetic (genotype) and environmental (information field) factors. It can be applied at any stage of an evolutionary cycle. If a quantitative trait operator is applied before or after mating, it will set the trait fields of all parents and offspring. If it is applied during mating, it will set the trait fields of each offspring.

When a quantitative trait operator is applied to a population, it is only applied to the current generation. You can, however, use parameter ancGen=-1 to set the trait field of all ancestral generations, or a generation index to apply to only ancestral generation younger than ancGen. Note that this parameter is ignored if the operator is applied during mating.

BaseQuanTrait(ancGens=UNSPECIFIED, begin=0, end=-1, step=1, at=[], reps=ALL_AVAIL, subPops=ALL_AVAIL, infoFields=[])

Create a base quantitative trait operator. This operator assigns one or more quantitative traits to trait fields in the present generation (default). If ALL_AVAIL or a list of ancestral generations are specified, this operator will be applied to individuals in these generations as well. A quantitative trait operator can be applied to specified (virtual) subpopulations (parameter subPops) and replicates (parameter reps).


set qtrait to all individual

class PyQuanTrait

class PyQuanTrait

This quantitative trait operator assigns a trait field by calling a user provided function. It accepts a list of loci (parameter loci), and a Python function func which should be defined with one or more of parameters geno, mut, gen, ind, or names of information fields. When this operator is applied to a population, it passes genotypes or mutants (non-zero alleles) of each individual at specified loci, generation number, a reference to an individual, and values at specified information fields to respective parameters of this function. Genotypes of each individual are passed as a tuple of alleles arranged locus by locus (in the order of A1,A2,B1,B2 for loci A and B). Mutants are passed as a default dictionary of loci index (with respect to all genotype of individuals, not just the first ploidy) and alleles. The return values will be assigned to specified trait fields.

PyQuanTrait(func, loci=[], ancGens=UNSPECIFIED, begin=0, end=-1, step=1, at=[], reps=ALL_AVAIL, subPops=ALL_AVAIL, infoFields=[])

Create a Python hybrid quantitative trait operator that passes genotype at specified loci, optional values at specified information fields (if requested), and an optional generation number to a user-defined function func. Parameter loci can be a list of loci indexes, names, or ALL_AVAIL. The return value will be assigned to specified trait fields (infoField). If only one trait field is specified, a number or a sequence of one element is acceptable. Otherwise, a sequence of values will be accepted and be assigned to each trait field.