Non-random and customized mating schemes *

The structure of a homogeneous mating scheme *

A homogeneous mating scheme (HomoMating) populates an offspring generation as follows:

  1. Create an empty offspring population (generation) with appropriate size. Parental and offspring generation can differ in size but they must have the same number of subpopulations.
  2. For each subpopulation, repeatedly choose a parent or a pair of parents from the parental generation. This is done by a simuPOP object called a parent chooser.
  3. One or more offspring are produced from the chosen parent(s) and are placed in the offspring population. This is done by a simuPOP offspring generator. An offspring generator uses one or more during-mating operators to transmit parental genotype to offspring. These operators are called genotype transmitters.
  4. After the offspring generation is populated, it will replace the parental generation and becomes the present generation of a population.

To define a homogeneous mating scheme, you will need to provide a chooser (a parent chooser that is responsible for choosing one or two parents from the parental generation) and a generator (an offspring generator that is responsible for generating a number of offspring from the chosen parents). For example, a selfingMating mating scheme uses a RandomParentChooser to choose a parent randomly from a population, possibly according to individual fitness, it uses a standard OffspringGenerator that uses a selfingOffspringGenerator to transmit genotype. The constructor of HomoMating also accepts parameters subPopSize (parameter to control offspring subpopulation sizes), subPops (applicable subpopulatiosn or virtual subpopulations), and weight (weighting parameter when used in a heterogeneous mating scheme). When this mating scheme is applied to the whole population, subPopSize is used to determine the subpopulation sizes of the offspring generation (see Section subsec_offspring_size for details), parameters subPops and weight are ignored. Otherwise, the number of offspring this mating scheme will produce is determined by the heterogeneous mating scheme.

Example RandomMating demonstrates how the most commonly used mating scheme, the diploid sexual RandomMating mating scheme is defined in This mating scheme uses a RandomParentsChooser with replacement, and a standard OffspringGenerator using a default MendelianGenoTransmitter.

Example: Define a random mating scheme

def RandomMating(numOffspring=1., sexMode=RANDOM_SEX,
        ops=MendelianGenoTransmitter(), subPopSize=[],
        subPops=ALL_AVAIL, weight=0, selectionField='fitness'):
    'A basic diploid sexual random mating scheme.'
    return HomoMating(
        chooser=RandomParentsChooser(True, selectionField),
        generator=OffspringGenerator(ops, numOffspring, sexMode),


Different parent choosers and offspring generators can be combined to define a large number of homogeneous mating schemes. Some of the parent choosers return one parent so they work with offspring generators that need one parent (e.g. selfing or clone offspring generator); some of the parent choosers return two parents so they work with offspring generators that need two parents (e.g. Mendelian offspring generator). For example, the standard SelfMating mating scheme uses a RandomParentChooser but you can easily use a SequentialParentChooser to choose parents sequentially and self- fertilize parents one by one. This is demonstrated in Example sequentialSelfing.

Example: Define a sequential selfing mating scheme

>>> import simuPOP as sim
>>> pop = sim.Population(100, loci=5*3, infoFields='parent_idx')
>>> pop.evolve(
...     initOps=[sim.InitGenotype(freq=[0.2]*5)],
...     preOps=sim.Dumper(structure=False, max=5),
...     matingScheme=sim.HomoMating(
...         sim.SequentialParentChooser(),
...         sim.OffspringGenerator(ops=[
...             sim.SelfingGenoTransmitter(),
...             sim.ParentsTagger(infoFields='parent_idx'),
...         ])
...     ),
...     postOps=sim.Dumper(structure=False, max=5),
...     gen = 1
... )
SubPopulation 0 (), 100 Individuals:
   0: MU 441000142224423 | 431303440010114 |  0
   1: MU 334442443034342 | 113203441333201 |  0
   2: MU 034344042424240 | 344304121430212 |  0
   3: MU 132322330420043 | 141300223114240 |  0
   4: MU 111123040033342 | 344344221133120 |  0

SubPopulation 0 (), 100 Individuals:
   0: MU 441000142224423 | 431303440010114 |  0
   1: FU 334442443034342 | 113203441333201 |  1
   2: MU 344304121430212 | 034344042424240 |  2
   3: FU 141300223114240 | 132322330420043 |  3
   4: FU 344344221133120 | 111123040033342 |  4


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Offspring generators *

An OffspringGenerator accepts a parameters ops (a list of during- mating operators), numOffspring (control number of offspring per mating event) and sexMode (control offspring sex). We have examined the last two parameters in detail in sections subsec_number_of_offspring and subsec_offspring_sex.

The most tricky parameter is the ops parameter. It accepts a list of during mating operators that are used to transmit genotypes from parent(s) to offspring and/or set individual information fields. The standard OffspringGenerator does not have any default operator so no genotype will be transmitted by default. All stock mating schemes use a default genotype transmitter. (e,g, a MendelianGenoTransmitter in Example RandomMating is passed to the offspring generator used in RandomMating). Note that you need to specify all needed operators if you use parameter ops to change the operators used in a mating scheme (see Example HeteroMatingWeight). That is to say, you can use ops=Recombinator() to replace a default MendelianGenoTransmitter(), but you have to use ops=[IdTagger(), MendelianGenoTransmitter()] if you would like to add a during-mating operator to the default one.

Another offspring generator is provided in simuPOP. This ControlledOffspringGeneratoris used to control an evolutionary process so that the allele frequencies at certain loci follows some pre-simulated frequency trajectories. Please refer to Peng2007a for rationals behind such an offspring generator and its applications in the simulation of complex human diseases.

Example controlledOffGenerator demonstrates the use of such a controlled offspring generator. Instead of using a realistic frequency trajectory function, it forces allele frequency at locus 5 to increase linearly. In contrast, the allele frequency at locus 15 on the second chromosome oscillates as a result of genetic drift. Note that the random mating version of this mating scheme is defined in simuPOP as ControlledRandomMating.

Example: A controlled random mating scheme

>>> import simuPOP as sim
>>> def traj(gen):
...     return [0.5 + gen * 0.01]
>>> pop = sim.Population(1000, loci=[10]*2)
>>> # evolve the sim.Population while keeping allele frequency 0.5
>>> pop.evolve(
...     initOps=[
...         sim.InitSex(),
...         sim.InitGenotype(freq=[0.5, 0.5])
...     ],
...     matingScheme=sim.HomoMating(sim.RandomParentChooser(),
...         sim.ControlledOffspringGenerator(loci=5,
...             alleles=[0], freqFunc=traj,
...             ops = sim.SelfingGenoTransmitter())),
...     postOps=[
...         sim.Stat(alleleFreq=[5, 15]),
...         sim.PyEval(r'"%.2f\t%.2f\n" % (alleleFreq[5][0], alleleFreq[15][0])')
...     ],
...     gen = 5
... )
0.50 0.51
0.51 0.51
0.52 0.51
0.53 0.52
0.54 0.54

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Genotype transmitters *

Although any during mating operators can be used in parameter opsof an offspring generator, those that transmit genotype from parents to offspring are customarily called genotype transmitters. simuPOP provides a number of genotype transmitters including clone, Mendelian, selfing, haplodiploid, genotype transmitter, and a Recombinator. They are usually used implicitly in a mating scheme, but they can also be used explicitly.

Although simuPOP provides a number of genotype transmitters, they may still be cases where customized genotype transmitter is needed. For example, a Recombinator can be used to recombine parental chromosomes but it is well known that male and female individuals differ in recombination rates. How can you apply two different Recombinators to male and female Individuals separately?

An immediate thought can be the use of virtual subpopulations. If you apply two random mating schemes to two virtual subpopulations defined by sex, RandomParentsChooser will not work because no opposite sex can be found in each virtual subpopulation. In this case, a customized genotype transmitter can be used.

A customized genotype transmitter is only a Python during-mating operator. Although it is possible to define a function and use a PyOperator directly (Example PyOperator), it is much better to derive an operator from PyOperator, as the case in Example newOperator.

Example sexSpecificRec defines a sexSpecificRecombinator that uses, internally, two different Recombinators to recombine male and female parents. The key statement is the PyOperator.__init__ line which initializes a Python operator with given function self.transmitGenotype. Example sexSpecificRec outputs the population in two generations. You should notice that paternal chromosome are not recombined when they are transmitted to offspring.

Example: A customized genotype transmitter for sex-specific recombination

>>> from simuPOP import *
>>> class sexSpecificRecombinator(PyOperator):
...     def __init__(self, intensity=0, rates=0, loci=[], convMode=NO_CONVERSION,
...             maleIntensity=0, maleRates=0, maleLoci=[], maleConvMode=NO_CONVERSION,
...             *args, **kwargs):
...         # This operator is used to recombine maternal chromosomes
...         self.Recombinator = Recombinator(rates, intensity, loci, convMode)
...         # This operator is used to recombine paternal chromosomes
...         self.maleRecombinator = Recombinator(maleRates, maleIntensity,
...             maleLoci, maleConvMode)
...         #
...         PyOperator.__init__(self, func=self.transmitGenotype, *args, **kwargs)
...     #
...     def transmitGenotype(self, pop, off, dad, mom):
...         # Form the first homologous copy of offspring.
...         self.Recombinator.transmitGenotype(mom, off, 0)
...         # Form the second homologous copy of offspring.
...         self.maleRecombinator.transmitGenotype(dad, off, 1)
...         return True
>>> pop = Population(10, loci=[15]*2, infoFields=['father_idx', 'mother_idx'])
>>> pop.evolve(
...     initOps=[
...         InitSex(),
...         InitGenotype(freq=[0.4] + [0.2]*3)
...     ],
...     matingScheme=RandomMating(ops=[
...         sexSpecificRecombinator(rates=0.1, maleRates=0),
...         ParentsTagger()
...     ]),
...     postOps=Dumper(structure=False),
...     gen = 2
... )
SubPopulation 0 (), 10 Individuals:
   0: FU 230000130212000 130110020112120 | 310300000030330 000113003202000 |  6 7
   1: FU 110100000002000 223313300111002 | 331311301000220 002330110020020 |  6 7
   2: MU 230301121003012 032010332330303 | 303303022100031 310232031321031 |  5 0
   3: MU 103001320130222 031300110100023 | 303303022100031 003000012020002 |  5 9
   4: FU 210230113000000 231111000121000 | 303303022100031 003000012020002 |  5 8
   5: MU 322030133101023 110323303020211 | 322111021000001 301200303300133 |  2 8
   6: MU 210230113000000 231111000121000 | 331303300011323 310232031321031 |  5 8
   7: FU 200331312001001 200011203020203 | 031032120003212 101032020302120 |  3 1
   8: FU 230000130212000 223313300111002 | 303303022100031 003000012020002 |  5 7
   9: FU 200331312001001 130301011230300 | 322111021000001 320103032303101 |  2 1

SubPopulation 0 (), 10 Individuals:
   0: MU 230000130212000 223313300111002 | 322030133101023 301200303300133 |  5 8
   1: MU 230000130212000 130110020112120 | 303303022100031 310232031321031 |  2 0
   2: FU 303303022100031 003000012020002 | 322111021000001 301200303300133 |  5 4
   3: FU 331311301000220 223313300111002 | 322111021000001 110323303020211 |  5 1
   4: MU 200331312001001 101032020302120 | 230301121003012 032010332330303 |  2 7
   5: FU 031032120003212 200011203020203 | 103001320130222 031300110100023 |  3 7
   6: FU 200331312001001 320103032303101 | 303303022100031 032010332330303 |  2 9
   7: FU 200331312001001 320103032303101 | 303303022100031 310232031321031 |  2 9
   8: FU 200331312001001 130301011230300 | 303303022100031 031300110100023 |  3 9
   9: MU 303303022100031 003000012020002 | 210230113000000 231111000121000 |  6 4


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A Python parent chooser *

Parent choosers are responsible for choosing one or two parents from a parental (virtual) subpopulation. simuPOP defines a few parent choosers that choose parent(s) sequentially, randomly (with or without replacement), or with additional conditions. Some of these parent choosers support natual selection. We have seen sequential and random parent choosers in Examples sequentialSelfing and controlledOffGenerator. Please refer to the simuPOP reference manual for details about these objects.

A parent choosing scheme can be quite complicated in reality. For example, salamanders along a river may mate with their neighbors and form several subspecies. This behavior cannot be readily simulated using any pre-define parent choosers so a hybrid parent chooser PyParentsChooser() should be used.

A PyParentsChooser accepts a user-defined Python generator function, instead of a normal python function, that returns a parent, or a pair of parents repeatedly. Briefly speaking, when a generator function is called, it returns a generator object that provides an iterator interface. Each time when this iterator iterates, this function resumes where it was stopped last time, executes and returns what the next yield statement returns. For example, example generator defines a function that calculate \(f\left(k\right)=\sum_{i=1}^{k}\frac{1}{i}\) for \(k=1,...,5\). It does not calculate each \(f\left(k\right)\) repeatedly but returns \(f\left(1\right)\), \(f\left(2\right)\), … sequentially.

Example: A sample generator function

>>> import simuPOP as sim
>>> def func():
...     i = 1
...     all = 0
...     while i <= 5:
...         all += 1./i
...         i += 1
...         yield all
>>> for i in func():
...     print('%.3f' % i)

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A PyParentsChooser accepts a parent generator function, which takes a population and a subpopulation index as parameters. When this parent chooser is applied to a subpopulation, it will call this generator function and ask the generated generator object repeated for either a parent, or a pair of parents (references to individual objects or indexes relative to a subpopulation). Note that PyParentsChooser does not support virtual subpopulation but you can mimic the effect by returning only parents from certain virtual subpopulations.

Example PyParentsChooser implements a hybrid parent chooser that chooses parents with equal social status (rank). In this parent chooser, all males and females are categorized by their sex and social status. A parent is chosen randomly, and then his/her spouse is chosen from females/males with the same social status. The rank of their offspring can increase or decrease randomly. It becomes obvious now that whereas a python function can return random male/female pair, the generator interface is much more efficient because the identification of sex/status groups is done only once.

Example: A hybrid parent chooser that chooses parents by their social status

>>> import simuPOP as sim
>>> from random import randint
>>> def randomChooser(pop, subPop):
...     males = []
...     females = []
...     # identify males and females in each social rank
...     for rank in range(3):
...         males.append([x for x in pop.individuals(subPop) \
...             if == sim.MALE and x.rank == rank])
...         females.append([x for x in pop.individuals(subPop) \
...             if == sim.FEMALE and x.rank == rank])
...     #
...     while True:
...         # choose a rank randomly
...         rank = int(pop.individual(randint(0, pop.subPopSize(subPop) - 1), subPop).rank)
...         yield males[rank][randint(0, len(males[rank]) - 1)], \
...             females[rank][randint(0, len(females[rank]) - 1)]
>>> def setRank(rank):
...     'The rank of offspring can increase or drop to zero randomly'
...     # only use rank of the father
...     return (rank[0] + randint(-1, 1)) % 3
>>> pop = sim.Population(size=[1000, 2000], loci=1, infoFields='rank')
>>> pop.evolve(
...     initOps=[
...         sim.InitSex(),
...         sim.InitInfo(lambda : randint(0, 2), infoFields='rank')
...     ],
...     matingScheme=sim.HomoMating(
...         sim.PyParentsChooser(randomChooser),
...         sim.OffspringGenerator(ops=[
...             sim.MendelianGenoTransmitter(),
...             sim.PyTagger(setRank),
...             ])
...     ),
...     gen = 5
... )

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Built-in parent choosers could be used in a PyParentsChooser to choose parents. The parent chooser needs to be initialized with the parental population and subpopulation index. Calling the chooseParents function repeatedly will return pairs of individuals from the population (None will be returned for one of the parents if the parent chooser only returns one parent). The use of built-in parent choosers can improve the performance of your PyParentsChooser, especially for complex selection patterns (e.g. with natural selection). For example, BuiltInParentsChooser implements a similar mating scheme as Example PyParentsChooser but uses a RandomParentChooser to choose males randomly.

Example: Use built-in parent choosers in a Python parent chooser

>>> import simuPOP as sim
>>> from random import randint
>>> def randomChooser(pop, subPop):
...     maleChooser = sim.RandomParentChooser(sexChoice=sim.MALE_ONLY)
...     maleChooser.initialize(pop, subPop)
...     females = []
...     # identify females in each social rank
...     for rank in range(3):
...         females.append([x for x in pop.individuals(subPop) \
...             if == sim.FEMALE and x.rank == rank])
...     #
...     while True:
...         # choose a random male
...         m = maleChooser.chooseParents()[0]
...         rank = int(m.rank)
...         # find a female in the same rank
...         yield m, females[rank][randint(0, len(females[rank]) - 1)]
>>> def setRank(rank):
...     'The rank of offspring can increase or drop to zero randomly'
...     # only use rank of the father
...     return (rank[0] + randint(-1, 1)) % 3
>>> pop = sim.Population(size=[1000, 2000], loci=1, infoFields='rank')
>>> pop.evolve(
...     initOps=[
...         sim.InitSex(),
...         sim.InitInfo(lambda : randint(0, 2), infoFields='rank')
...     ],
...     matingScheme=sim.HomoMating(
...         sim.PyParentsChooser(randomChooser),
...         sim.OffspringGenerator(ops=[
...             sim.MendelianGenoTransmitter(),
...             sim.PyTagger(setRank),
...             ])
...     ),
...     gen = 5
... )

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Using C++ to implement a parent chooser **

A user defined parent chooser can be fairly complex and computationally intensive. For example, if a parent tends to find a spouse in his/her vincinity, geometric distances between all qualified individuals and a chosen parent need to be calculated for each mating event. If the optimization of the parent chooser can speed up the simulation significantly, it may be worthwhile to write the parent chooser in C++.

Although it is feasible, and sometimes easier to derive a class from class ParentChooser in mating.h (.cpp), modifying simuPOP source code is not recommended because you would have to modify a new version of simuPOP whenever you upgrade your simuPOP distribution. Implementing your parent choosing algorithm in another Python module is preferred.

The first step is to write your own parent chooser in C/C++. Basically, you will need to pass all necessary information to the C++ level and implement an algorithm to choose parents randomly. Although simple function based solutions are possible, a C++ level class such as the myParentsChooserclass defined in Example parentChooseHeader is recommended. This class is initialized with indexes of male and female individuals and use a function chooseParents to return a pair of parents randomly. This parent chooser is very simple but more complicated parent selection scenarios can be implemented similarly.

Example: Implement a parent chooser in C++

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <vector>
#include <utility>
using std::pair;
using std::vector;
class myParentsChooser
        // A constructor takes all locations of male and female.
        myParentsChooser(const std::vector<int> & m, const std::vector<int> & f)
                : male_idx(m), female_idx(f)

        pair<unsigned long, unsigned long> chooseParents()
                unsigned long male = rand() % male_idx.size();
                unsigned long female = rand() % male_idx.size();
                return std::make_pair(male, female);
        vector<int> male_idx;
        vector<int> female_idx;

Download myParentsChooser.h

The second step is to wrap your C++ functions and classes to a Python module. There are many tools available but SWIG ( is arguably the most convenient and powerful one. To use SWIG, you will need to prepare an interface file, which basically tells SWIG which functions and classes you would like to expose and how to pass parameters between Python and C++. Example parentsChooserInterface lists an interface file for the C++ class defined in Example parentChooseHeader. Please refer to the SWIG reference manual for details.

Example: An interface file for the myParentsChooser class

%module myParentsChooser
#include "myParentsChooser.h"
// std_vector.i for std::vector
%include "std_vector.i"
%template() std::vector<int>;
// stl.i for std::pair
%include "stl.i"
%template() std::pair<unsigned long, unsigned long>;
%include "myParentsChooser.h"

Download myParentsChooser.i

The exact procedure to generate and compile a wrapper file varies from system to system, and from compiler to compiler. Fortunately, the standard Python module setup process supports SWIG. All you need to do is to write a Python file and let the distutil module of Python handle all the details for you. A typical file is demonstrated in Example parentsChooserSetup.

Example: Building and installing the myParentsChooser module

from distutils.core import setup, Extension
import sys
# Under linux/gcc, lib stdc++ is needed for C++ based extension.
if sys.platform == 'linux2':
    libs = ['stdc++']
    libs = []
setup(name = "myParentsChooser",
    description = "A sample parent chooser",
    py_modules = ['myParentsChooser'],  # will be generated by SWIG
    ext_modules = [
            sources = ['myParentsChooser.i'],
            swig_opts = ['-O', '-shadow', '-c++', '-keyword',],
            include_dirs = ["."],


You parent chooser can now be compiled and installed using the standard Python commands such as

python install

Please refer to the Python reference manual for other building and installation options. Note that Python 2.4 and earlier do not support option swig_opts well so you might have to pass these options using command

python build_ext --swig-opts=-O -templatereduce \
    -shadow -c++ -keyword -nodefaultctor install

Example parentChooseHeader demonstrates how to use such a C++ parents chooser in your simuPOP script. It uses the same Python parent chooser interface as in PyParentsChooser, but leaves all the (potentially) computationally intensive parts to the C++ level myParentsChooser object.

Example: Implement a parent chooser in C++

import simuPOP as sim

# The class myParentsChooser is defined in module myParentsChooser
    from myParentsChooser import myParentsChooser
except ImportError:
    # if failed to import the C++ version, use a Python version
    import random
    class myParentsChooser:
        def __init__(self, maleIndexes, femaleIndexes):
            self.maleIndexes = maleIndexes
            self.femaleIndexes = femaleIndexes
        def chooseParents(self):
            return self.maleIndexes[random.randint(0, len(self.maleIndexes)-1)],\
                self.femaleIndexes[random.randint(0, len(self.femaleIndexes)-1)]

def parentsChooser(pop, sp):
    'How to call a C++ level parents chooser.'
    # create an object with needed information (such as x, y) ...
    pc = myParentsChooser(
        [x for x in range(pop.popSize()) if pop.individual(x).sex() == sim.MALE],
        [x for x in range(pop.popSize()) if pop.individual(x).sex() == sim.FEMALE])
    while True:
        # return indexes of parents repeatedly
        yield pc.chooseParents()

pop = sim.Population(100, loci=1)
        sim.InitGenotype(freq=[0.5, 0.5])
    gen = 100
