Hybrid and Python operators

Hybrid operators

Despite the large number of built-in operators, it is obviously not possible to implement every genetics models available. For example, although simuPOP provides several penetrance models, a user may want to try a customized one. In this case, one can use a hybrid operator.

A hybrid operator is an operator that calls a user-defined function when its applied to a population. The number and meaning of input parameters and return values vary from operator to operator. For example, a hybrid mutator sends a to- be-mutated allele to a user-defined function and use its return value as a mutant allele. A hybrid selector uses the return value of a user defined function as individual fitness. Such an operator handles the routine part of the work (e.g. scan through a chromosome and determine which allele needs to be mutated), and leave the creative part to users. Such a mutator can be used to implement complicated genetic models such as an asymmetric stepwise mutation model for microsatellite markers.

simuPOP operators use parameter names to determine which information should be passed to a user-defined function. For example, a hybrid quantitative trait operator recognizes parameters ind, geno, gen and names of information fields such as smoking. If your model depends on genotype, you could provide a function with parameter geno (e.g. func(geno)); if your model depends on smoking and genotype, you could provide a function with parameters geno and smoking (e.g. func(geno, smoking)); if you model depends on individual sex, you can use a function that passes the whole individual (e.g. func(ind)) so that you could check individual sex. When a hybrid operator is applied to a population, it will check the parameter names of provided Python function and send requested information automatically.

For example, Example hybridOperator defines a three- locus heterogeneity penetrance model Risch1990 that yields positive penetrance only when at least two disease susceptibility alleles are available. The underlying mechanism of this operator is that for each individual, simuPOP will collect genotype at specified loci (parameter loci) and send them to function myPenetrance and evaluate. The return values are used as the penetrance value of the individual, which is then interpreted as the probability that this individual will become affected.

Example: Use a hybrid operator

>>> import simuPOP as sim
>>> def myPenetrance(geno):
...     'A three-locus heterogeneity penetrance model'
...     if sum(geno) < 2:
...         return 0
...     else:
...         return sum(geno)*0.1
>>> pop = sim.Population(1000, loci=[20]*3)
>>> pop.evolve(
...     initOps=[
...         sim.InitSex(),
...         sim.InitGenotype(freq=[0.8, 0.2])
...     ],
...     matingScheme=sim.RandomMating(),
...     postOps=[
...         sim.PyPenetrance(func=myPenetrance, loci=[10, 30, 50]),
...         sim.Stat(numOfAffected=True),
...         sim.PyEval(r"'%d: %d\n' % (gen, numOfAffected)")
...     ],
...     gen = 5
... )
0: 97
1: 96
2: 78
3: 95
4: 80

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Download hybrid.py

Python operator PyOperator *

If hybrid operators are still not flexible enough, you can always resort to a pure-Python operator PyOperator. This operator has full access to the evolving population (or parents and offspring when aplied during-mating), and can therefore perform arbitrary operations.

A PyOperator that is applied pre- or post- mating expects a function with one or both parameters pop and param, wherepop is the population being applied, and param is optional, depending on whether or not a parameter is passed to the PyOperator() constructor. Function func can perform arbitrary action to pop and must return True or False. The evolution of pop will be stopped if this function returns False. This is essentially how operator TerminateIf works. Alternatively, this callback function can accept ind as one of the parameters. In this case, the function will be called for all individuals or individuals in specified (virtual) subpopulations. Individuals will be removed from the populaton if this function returns False.

Example PyOperator defines such a function. It accepts a cutoff value and two mutation rates as parameters. It then calculate the frequency of allele 1 at each locus and apply a two-allele model at high mutation rate if the frequency is lower than the cutoff and a low mutation rate otherwise. The kAlleleMutate function is the function form of a mutator KAlleleMutator (see Section subsec_Function_form for details).

Example: A frequency dependent mutation operator

import simuPOP as sim
def dynaMutator(pop, param):
    '''This mutator mutates commom loci with low mutation rate and rare
    loci with high mutation rate, as an attempt to raise allele frequency
    of rare loci to an higher level.'''
    # unpack parameter
    (cutoff, mu1, mu2) = param;
    sim.stat(pop, alleleFreq=range(pop.totNumLoci()))
    for i in range(pop.totNumLoci()):
        # Get the frequency of allele 1 (disease allele)
        if pop.dvars().alleleFreq[i][1] < cutoff:
            sim.kAlleleMutate(pop, k=2, rates=mu1, loci=[i])
            sim.kAlleleMutate(pop, k=2, rates=mu2, loci=[i])
    return True

Download PyOperator.py

Example usePyOperator demonstrates how to use this operator. It first initializes the population using two InitGenotype operators that initialize loci with different allele frequencies. It applies a PyOperatorwith function dynaMutator and a tuple of parameters. Allele frequencies at all loci are printed at generation 0, 10, 20, and 30. Note that this PyOperator is applied at to the parental generation so allele frequencies have to be recalculated to be used by post- mating operator PyEval.

Example: Use a PyOperator during evolution

>>> pop = sim.Population(size=10000, loci=[2, 3])
>>> pop.evolve(
...     initOps=[
...         sim.InitSex(),
...         sim.InitGenotype(freq=[.99, .01], loci=[0, 2, 4]),
...         sim.InitGenotype(freq=[.8, .2], loci=[1, 3])
...     ],
...     preOps=sim.PyOperator(func=dynaMutator, param=(.2, 1e-2, 1e-5)),
...     matingScheme=sim.RandomMating(),
...     postOps=[
...         sim.Stat(alleleFreq=range(5), step=10),
...         sim.PyEval(r"' '.join(['%.2f' % alleleFreq[x][1] for x in range(5)]) + '\n'",
...             step=10),
...     ],
...     gen = 31
... )
0.02 0.20 0.02 0.20 0.02
0.11 0.22 0.11 0.20 0.11
0.19 0.21 0.20 0.20 0.18
0.21 0.21 0.22 0.21 0.21

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Download PyOperator.py

During-mating Python operator *

A PyOperator can also be applied during-mating. They can be used to filter out unwanted offspring (by returning False in a user-defined function), modify offspring, calculate statistics, or pass additional information from parents to offspring. Depending the names of parameters of your function, the Python operator will pass offspring (parameter off), his or her parents (parameter dad and mom), the whole population (parameter pop) and an optional parameter (parameter param) to this function. For example, function func(off) will accept references to an offspring, and func(off, mom, dad) will accept references to both offspring and his or her parents.

Example duringMatingPyOperator demonstrates the use of a during-mating Python operator. This operator rejects an offspring if it has allele 1 at the first locus of the first homologous chromosome, and results in an offspring population without such individuals.

Example: Use a during-mating PyOperator

>>> import simuPOP as sim
>>> def rejectInd(off):
...     'reject an individual if it off.allele(0) == 1'
...     return off.allele(0) == 0
>>> pop = sim.Population(size=100, loci=1)
>>> pop.evolve(
...     initOps=[
...         sim.InitSex(),
...         sim.InitGenotype(freq=[0.5, 0.5])
...     ],
...     matingScheme=sim.RandomMating(
...         ops=[
...             sim.MendelianGenoTransmitter(),
...             sim.PyOperator(func=rejectInd)
...         ]),
...     gen = 1
... )
>>> # You should see no individual with allele 1 at locus 0, ploidy 0.
>>> pop.genotype()[:20]
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]

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Download pyDuringMatingOperator.py

PyOperator is the most powerful operator in simuPOP and has been widely used, for example, to calculate statistics and is not supported by the Stat() operator, to examine population property during evolution, or prepare populations for a special mating scheme. However, because PyOperatorworks in the Python interpreter, it is expected that it runs slower than operators that are implemented at the C/C++ level. If performance becomes an issue, you can re-implement part or all the operator in C++. Section subsec_Using_C++ describes how to do this.

Define your own operators *

PyOperator is a Python class so you can derive your own operator from this operator. The tricky part is that the constructor of the derived operator needs to call the __init__ function of PyOperator will proper functions. This technique has been used by simuPOP in a number of occasions. For example, the VarPlotter operator defined in plotter.py is derived from PyOperator. This class encapsulates several different plot class that uses rpy to plot python expressions. One of the plotters is passed to the func parameter of PyOperator.__init__ so that it can be called when this operator is applied.

Example sequentialSelfing rewrites the dynaMutator defined in Example PyOperator into a derived operator. The parameters are now passed to the constructor of dynaMutator and are saved as member variables. A member function mutate is defined and is passed to the constructor of PyOperator. Other than making dynaMutator look like a real simuPOP operator, this example does not show a lot of advantage over defining a function. However, when the operator gets complicated (as in the case for VarPlotter), the object oriented implementation will prevail.

Example: Define a new Python operator

>>> import simuPOP as sim
>>> class dynaMutator(sim.PyOperator):
...     '''This mutator mutates commom loci with low mutation rate and rare
...     loci with high mutation rate, as an attempt to raise allele frequency
...     of rare loci to an higher level.'''
...     def __init__(self, cutoff, mu1, mu2, *args, **kwargs):
...         self.cutoff = cutoff
...         self.mu1 = mu1
...         self.mu2 = mu2
...         sim.PyOperator.__init__(self, func=self.mutate, *args, **kwargs)
...     #
...     def mutate(self, pop):
...         sim.stat(pop, alleleFreq=range(pop.totNumLoci()))
...         for i in range(pop.totNumLoci()):
...             # Get the frequency of allele 1 (disease allele)
...             if pop.dvars().alleleFreq[i][1] < self.cutoff:
...                 sim.kAlleleMutate(pop, k=2, rates=self.mu1, loci=[i])
...             else:
...                 sim.kAlleleMutate(pop, k=2, rates=self.mu2, loci=[i])
...         return True
>>> pop = sim.Population(size=10000, loci=[2, 3])
>>> pop.evolve(
...     initOps=[
...         sim.InitSex(),
...         sim.InitGenotype(freq=[.99, .01], loci=[0, 2, 4]),
...         sim.InitGenotype(freq=[.8, .2], loci=[1, 3])
...     ],
...     preOps=dynaMutator(cutoff=.2, mu1=1e-2, mu2=1e-5),
...     matingScheme=sim.RandomMating(),
...     postOps=[
...         sim.Stat(alleleFreq=range(5), step=10),
...         sim.PyEval(r"' '.join(['%.2f' % alleleFreq[x][1] for x in range(5)]) + '\n'",
...             step=10),
...     ],
...     gen = 31
... )
0.02 0.20 0.02 0.20 0.02
0.11 0.22 0.11 0.20 0.11
0.19 0.21 0.20 0.20 0.18
0.21 0.21 0.22 0.21 0.21

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Download newOperator.py

New during-mating operators can be defined similarly. They are usually used to define customized genotype transmitters. Section subsec_Customized_genotype_transmitter will describe this feature in detail.