Genotype transmitters

Generic genotype transmitters (operators GenoTransmitter, CloneGenoTransmitter, MendelianGenoTransmitter, SelfingGenoTransmitter, HaplodiploidGenoTransmitter, and MitochondrialGenoTransmitter) *

A number of during-mating operators are defined to transmit genotype from parent(s) to offspring. They are rarely used or even seen directly because they are used as genotype transmitters of mating schemes.

  • GenoTransmitter: This genotype transmitter is usually used by customized genotype transmitters because it provides some utility functions that are more efficient than their Pythonic counterparts.
  • CloneGenoTransmitter: Copy all genotype on non-customized chromosomes from a parent to an offspring. It also copies parental sex to the offspring because sex can be genotype determined. This genotype transmitter is used by mating scheme CloneMating. This genotype transmitter can be applied to populations of any ploidy type. If you would like to copy part of the chromosomes, or customized chromosomes, a parameter chroms could be used to specify chromosomes to copy.
  • MendelianGenoTransmitter: Copy genotypes from two parents (a male and a female) to an offspring following Mendel’s laws, used by mating scheme RandomMating.This genotype transmitter can only be applied to diploid populations.
  • SelfingGenoTransmitter: Copy genotypes from one parent to an offspring using self-fertilization, used by mating scheme SelfMating. This genotype transmitter can only be applied to diploid populations.
  • HaplodiploidGenoTransmitter: Set genotype to male and female offspring differently in a haplodiploid population, used by mating scheme HaplodiploidMating. This genotype transmitter can only be applied to haplodiploid populations.
  • MitochondrialGenoTransmitter: Treat a single mitochondrial chromosome, or all customized chromosomes, or specified chromosomes as mitochondrial chromosomes and transmit maternal mitochondrial chromosomes randomly to an offspring. This genotype transmitter can be applied to populations of any ploidy type. It trasmits the first homologous copy of chromosomes maternally and clears alleles on other homologous copies of chromosomes of an offspring.

Recombination (Operator Recombinator)

The generic genotype transmitters do not handle genetic recombination. A genotype transmitter Recombinator is provided for such purposes, and can be used with RandomMating and SelfMating (replace MendelianGenoTransmitter and SelfingGenoTransmitter used in these mating schemes).

Recombination rate is implemented between adjacent markers. There can be only one recombination event between adjacent markers no matter how far apart they are located on a chromosome. In practise, a Recombinator goes along chromosomes and determine, between each adjacent loci, whether or not a recombination happens.

Recombination rates could be specified in the following ways:

  1. If a single recombination rate is specified through paramter rates, it will be the recombination rate between all adjacent loci, regardless of loci position.

  2. If recombination happens only after certain loci, you can specify these loci using parameter loci. For example,

    Recombinator(rates=0.1, loci=[2, 5])

    recombines a chromosome only after loci 2 (between 2 and 3) and 5 (between 5 and 6).

  3. If parameter loci is given with a list of loci, different recombination rate can be given to each of them. The two lists should have the same length. For example

    Recombinator(rates=[0.1, 0.05], loci=[2, 5])

    uses two different recombination rates after loci 2 and 5.

  4. If parameter loci is not given (default to loci=ALL_AVAIL) but a list of recombination rates is assigned, the rates will be assigned to each locus. The length of prameter rates should equal to total number of loci but the recombiantion rates for the locus at the end of each chromosome will be ignored (assumed to be 0.5). For example

    Recombinator(rates=[0.1]*5 + [0.2]*5)

    uses two different recombination rates for two chromosomes with 5 loci.

  5. If recombination rates vary across your chromosomes, a long list of rate and loci may be needed to specify recombination rates one by one. An alternative method is to specify a recombination intensity. Recombination rate between two adjacent loci is calculated as the product of this intensity and distance between them. For example, if you apply operator


    to a population

    Population(size=100, loci=[4], lociPos=[0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.8])

    The recombination rates between adjacent markers will be 0.1*0.1, 0.1*0.2 and 0.1*0.4 respectively.

Example: Genetic recombination at all and selected loci

>>> import simuPOP as sim
>>> simu = sim.Simulator(sim.Population(size=[1000], loci=[100]),
...     rep=2)
>>> simu.evolve(
...     initOps=[
...         sim.InitSex(),
...         sim.InitGenotype(genotype=[0]*100 + [1]*100)
...     ],
...     matingScheme=sim.RandomMating(ops = [
...         sim.Recombinator(rates=0.01, reps=0),
...         sim.Recombinator(rates=[0.01]*10, loci=range(50, 60), reps=1),
...     ]),
...     postOps=[
...         sim.Stat(LD=[[40, 55], [60, 70]]),
...         sim.PyEval(r'"%d:\t%.3f\t%.3f\t" % (rep, LD_prime[40][55], LD_prime[60][70])'),
...         sim.PyOutput('\n', reps=-1)
...     ],
...     gen = 5
... )
0:   0.741   0.806   1:      0.904   1.000
0:   0.658   0.715   1:      0.882   1.000
0:   0.491   0.668   1:      0.843   1.000
0:   0.435   0.610   1:      0.818   1.000
0:   0.383   0.567   1:      0.763   1.000
(5, 5)

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Example recRate demonstrates how to specify recombination rates for all loci or for specified loci. In this example, two replicates of a population are evolved, subject to two different Recombinators. The first Recombinator applies the same recombination rate between all adjacent loci, and the second Recombinator recombines only after loci 50 - 59. Because there is no recombination event between loci 60 and 70 for the second replicate, linkage disequilibrium values between these two loci does not decrease as what happens in the first replicate.

Example: Genetic recombination rates specified by intensity

>>> import simuPOP as sim
>>> pop = sim.Population(size=[1000], loci=3, lociPos=[0, 1, 1.1])
>>> pop.evolve(
...     initOps=[
...         sim.InitSex(),
...         sim.InitGenotype(genotype=[0]*3 + [1]*3)
...     ],
...     matingScheme=sim.RandomMating(ops=sim.Recombinator(intensity=0.01)),
...     postOps=[
...         sim.Stat(LD=[[0, 1], [1, 2]]),
...         sim.PyEval(r'"%.3f\t%.3f\n" % (LD_prime[0][1], LD_prime[1][2])', step=10)
...     ],
...     gen = 50
... )
0.988        0.998
0.912        0.996
0.836        0.991
0.896        0.982
0.814        0.991

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Example recIntensity demonstrates the use of the intensity parameter. In this example, the distances between the first two loci and the latter two loci are 1 and 0.1 respectively. This leads recombination rates 0.01 and 0.001 respectively with a recombination intensity 0.01. Consequently, LD between the first two loci decay much faster than the latter two.

If more advanced recombination model is desired, a customized genotype transmitter can be used. For example, Example sexSpecificRec uses two Recombinators to implement sex-specific recombination.


Both loci positions and recombination intensity are unitless. You can assume different unit for loci position and recombination intensity as long as the resulting recombination rate makes sense.

Gene conversion (Operator Recombinator) *

simuPOP uses the Holliday junction model to simulate gene conversion. This model treats recombination and conversion as a unified process. The key features of this model is

  • Two (out of four) chromatids pair and a single strand cut is made in each chromatid
  • Strand exchange takes place between the chromatids
  • Ligation occurs yielding two completely intact DNA molecules
  • Branch migration occurs, giving regions of heteroduplex DNA
  • Resolution of the Holliday junction gives two DNA molecules with heteroduplex DNA. Depending upon how the holliday junction is resolved, we either observe no exchange of flanking markers, or an exchange of flanking markers. The former forms a conversion event, which can be considered as a double recombination.

In practise, gene conversion can be considered as a double recombination event. That is to say, when a recombination event happens, it has certain probability to trigger a second recombination event along the chromosome. The distance between the two locations where recombination events happen is the tract length of this conversion event.

The probability at which gene conversion happens, and how tract length is determined is specify using parameter convMode of a Recombinator. This parameter can be

  • NoConversion No gene conversion. (default)
  • (NUM_MARKERS, prob, N) Convert a fixed number N of markers at probability prob.
  • (TRACT_LENGTH, prob, N) Convert a fixed length N of chromosome regions at probability prob. This can be used when markers are not equally spaced on chromosomes.
  • (GEOMETRIC_DISTRIBUTION, prob, p) When a conversion event happens at probability prob, convert a random number of markers, with a geometric distribution with parameter p.
  • (EXPONENTIAL_DISTRIBUTION, prob, p) When a conversion event happens at probability prob, convert a random length of chromosome region, using an exponential distribution with parameter p.

Note that

  • If tract length is determined by length (TractLength or ExponentialDistribution), the starting point of the flanking region is uniformly distributed between marker \(i-1\) and \(i\), if the recombination happens at marker \(i\). That is to say, it is possible that no marker is converted with a positive tract length.
  • A conversion event will act like a recombination event if its flanking region exceeds the end of a chromosome, or if another recombination event happens before the end of the flanking region.

Example conversion compares two Recombinators. The first Recombinator is a regular Recombinator that recombine between loci 50 and 51. The second Recombinator is a conversion operator because every recombination event will become a conversion event (prob=1). Because a second recombination event will surely happen between loci 60 and 61, there will be either no or double recombination events between loci 40, 70. LD between these two loci therefore does not decrease, although LD between locus 55 and these two loci will decay.

Example: Gene conversion

>>> import simuPOP as sim
>>> simu = sim.Simulator(sim.Population(size=[1000], loci=[100]),
...     rep=2)
>>> simu.evolve(
...     initOps=[
...         sim.InitSex(),
...         sim.InitGenotype(genotype=[0]*100 + [1]*100)
...     ],
...     matingScheme=sim.RandomMating(ops=[
...         sim.Recombinator(rates=0.01, loci=50, reps=0),
...         sim.Recombinator(rates=0.01, loci=50, reps=1, convMode=(sim.NUM_MARKERS, 1, 10)),
...     ]),
...     postOps=[
...         sim.Stat(LD=[[40, 55], [40, 70]]),
...         sim.PyEval(r'"%d:\t%.3f\t%.3f\t" % (rep, LD_prime[40][55], LD_prime[40][70])'),
...         sim.PyOutput('\n', reps=-1)
...     ],
...     gen = 5
... )
0:   0.988   0.988   1:      0.980   1.000
0:   0.982   0.982   1:      0.982   1.000
0:   0.982   0.982   1:      0.974   1.000
0:   0.974   0.974   1:      0.954   1.000
0:   0.960   0.960   1:      0.940   1.000
(5, 5)

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Tracking all recombination events **

To understand the evolutionary history of a simulated population, it is sometimes needed to track down all ancestral recombination events. In order to do that, you will first need to give an unique ID to each individual so that you could make sense of the dumped recombination events. Although this is routinely done using operator IdTagger (see example IdTagger for details), it is a little tricky here because you need to place the during- mating IdTagger before a Recombinator in the ops parameter of a mating scheme so that offspring ID could be set and outputted correctly.

After setting the name of the ID field (usually ind_id) to the infoField parameter of a Recombinator, it can dump a list of recombinatin events (loci after which recombinatin events happened) for each set of homologous chromosomes of an offspring. Each line is in the format of

offspringID parentID startingPloidy rec1 rec2 ....

Example trackRec gives an example how the output looks like.

Example: Tracking all recombination events

>>> import simuPOP as sim
>>> pop = sim.Population(1000, loci=[1000, 2000], infoFields='ind_id')
>>> pop.evolve(
...     initOps=[
...         sim.InitSex(),
...         sim.IdTagger(),
...     ],
...     matingScheme=sim.RandomMating(ops = [
...         sim.IdTagger(),
...         sim.Recombinator(rates=0.001, output='>>rec.log', infoFields='ind_id')]),
...     gen = 5
... )
>>> rec = open('rec.log')
>>> # print the first three lines of the log file
>>> print(''.join(rec.readlines()[:4]))
1001 642 0 381 999 1490
1001 250 1 908 999 1315 2134
1002 847 1 999
1002 91 0 975 999 1245 2546

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