Introduction to operators

Operators are objects that act on populations. There are two types of operators:

  • Operators that are applied to populations. These operators are used in the initOps, preOps, postOps and finalOps parameters of the evolve function. The initOps operators are applied before an evolutionary process, the preOps operators are applied to the parental population at each generation before mating, the postOps operators are applied to the offspring population at each generation after mating, and the finalOps operators are applied after an evolutionary process. Examples of such operators include MergeSubPops to merge subpopulations and StepwiseMutator to mutate individuals using a stepwise mutation model.
  • Operators that are applied to individuals (offspring) during mating. These operators are used in the ops parameter of a mating scheme. They are usually used to transmit genotype or other information from parents to offspring. Examples of such operators include MendelianGenoTransmitter that transmit parental genotype to offspring according to Mendelian laws and ParentsTagger that record the indexes of parents in the parental population to each offspring.

Some mutators could be applied both to populations and individuals. For example, an IdTagger could be applied to a whole population and assign an unique ID to all individuals, or to offspring during mating.

The following sections will introduce common features of all operators. The next chapter will explain all simuPOP operators in detail.

Apply operators to selected replicates and (virtual) subpopulations at selected generations

Operators are, by default, applied to all generations during an evolutionary process. This can be changed using the begin, end, step and at parameters. As their names indicate, these parameters control the starting generation (begin), ending generation (end), generations between two applicable generations (step), and an explicit list of applicable generations (at, a single generation number is also acceptable). Other parameters will be ignored if at is specified. It is worth noting that, if an evolutionary process has a pre-sepcified ending generation, negative generations numbers are allowed. They are counted backward from the ending generation.

For example, if a simulator starts at generation 0, and the evolve function has parameter gen=10, the simulator will stop at the beginning of generation 10. Generation -1 refers to generation 9, and generation -2 refers to generation 8, and so on. Example applicableGen demonstrates how to set applicable generations of an operator. In this example, a population is initialized before evolution using an InitGenotype operator. allele frequency at locus 0 is calculated at generation 80, 90, but not 100 because the evolution stops at the beginning of generation 100. A PyEval operator outputs generation number and allele frequency at the end of generation 80 and 90. Another PyEval operator outputs similar information at generation 90 and 99, before and after mating. Note, however, because allele frequencies are only calculated twice, the pre-mating allele frequency at generation 90 is actually calculated at generation 80, and the allele frequencies display for generation 99 are calculated at generation 90. At the end of the evolution, the population is saved to a file using a SavePopulation operator.

Example: Applicable generations of an operator.

>>> import simuPOP as sim
>>> pop = sim.Population(1000, loci=[20])
>>> pop.evolve(
...     initOps=[
...         sim.InitSex(),
...         sim.InitGenotype(freq=[0.8, 0.2])
...     ],
...     preOps=[
...         sim.PyEval(r"'At the beginning of gen %d: allele Freq: %.2f\n' % (gen, alleleFreq[0][0])",
...             at = [-10, -1])
...     ],
...     matingScheme = sim.RandomMating(),
...     postOps=[
...         sim.Stat(alleleFreq=0, begin=80, step=10),
...         sim.PyEval(r"'At the end of gen %d: allele freq: %.2f\n' % (gen, alleleFreq[0][0])",
...             begin=80, step=10),
...         sim.PyEval(r"'At the end of gen %d: allele Freq: %.2f\n' % (gen, alleleFreq[0][0])",
...             at = [-10, -1])
...     ],
...     finalOps=sim.SavePopulation(output='sample.pop'),
...     gen=100
... )
At the end of gen 80: allele freq: 0.92
At the beginning of gen 90: allele Freq: 0.92
At the end of gen 90: allele freq: 0.93
At the end of gen 90: allele Freq: 0.93
At the beginning of gen 99: allele Freq: 0.93
At the end of gen 99: allele Freq: 0.93

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Applicable populations and (virtual) subpopulations

A simulator can evolve multiple replicates of a population simultaneously. Different operators can be applied to different replicates of this population. This allows side by side comparison between simulations.

Parameter reps is used to control which replicate(s) an operator can be applied to. This parameter can be a list of replicate numbers or a single replicate number. Negative index is allowed where -1 refers to the last replicate. This technique has been widely used to produce table-like output where a PyOutput outputs a newline when it is applied to the last replicate of a simulator. Example hybridOperator demonstrates how to use this reps parameter. It is worth noting that negative indexes are dynamic indexes relative to number of active populations. For example, rep=-1 will refer to a previous population if the last population has stopped evolving. Use a non-negative replicate number if this is not intended.

Example: Apply operators to a subset of populations

>>> import simuPOP as sim
>>> simu = sim.Simulator(sim.Population(100, loci=[20]), 5)
>>> simu.evolve(
...     initOps=[
...         sim.InitSex(),
...         sim.InitGenotype(freq=[0.2, 0.8])
...     ],
...     matingScheme=sim.RandomMating(),
...     postOps=[
...         sim.Stat(alleleFreq=0, step=10),
...         sim.PyEval('gen', step=10, reps=0),
...         sim.PyEval(r"'\t%.2f' % alleleFreq[0][0]", step=10, reps=(0, 2, -1)),
...         sim.PyOutput('\n', step=10, reps=-1)
...     ],
...     gen=30,
... )
0    0.23    0.22    0.29
10   0.15    0.23    0.21
20   0.04    0.07    0.10
(30, 30, 30, 30, 30)

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An operator can also be applied to specified (virtual) subpopulations. For example, an initializer can be applied to male individuals in the first subpopulation, and everyone in the second subpopulation using parameter subPops=[(0,0), 1], if a virtual subpopulation is defined by individual sex. Generally speaking,

  • subPops=[] applies the operator to all subpopulation. This is usually the default value of an operator.
  • subPops=[vsp1, vsp2,...] applies the operator all specified (virtual) subpopulations. (e.g. subPops=[(0,0), 1]).
  • subPops=sp is an abbreviation for subPops=[sp]. If sp is virtual, it has to be written as [sp] because subPops=(0, 1) is intepreted as two non-virtual subpopulation.

However, not all operators support this parameter, and even if they do, their interpretations of parameter input may vary. Please refer to documentation for individual operators in the simuPOP reference manual for details.

Dynamically determined loci (parameter loci) *

Many operators accept a parameter loci to specify the applicable loci. This parameter can be

  • ALL_AVAIL: all available loci of the population to which the operator is applied.
  • [1, 2, 4, 5]: A list of loci indexes. When the operator is applied to a population, it will be applied to the specified loci.
  • [('chr1', 5), ('chr1', 10), ('chr2', 5)]: A list of chromosome position pairs. That is to say, when the operator is applied to a population, it will find loci at specified position of specified chromosome. Here chromosome names are names specified by parameter chromNames of the Population constructor. That is to say, the operator can be applied to all population with such chromosomes and loci at specified locations.
  • func: A function with an optional parameter pop. When the operator is applied to a population, it will call this function, optionally pass the population to be applied to this function, and use its output as indexes of loci.

The last usage is very interesting because it allows the determination of loci according to population property. For example, Example dynamicLoci shows an example with a MaSelector that is applied to the locus with highest frequency at each generation by calling function mostPopular, which calculates allele frequency and pick the locus with highest allele frequency, This example looks silly, but the technique is very useful in simulating the introduction of disease loci by, for example, adding positive selection pressure to one of the chosen loci.

Example: Natural selection with dynamically determined loci

>>> import simuPOP as sim
>>> pop = sim.Population(100, loci=[10], infoFields='fitness')
>>> def mostPopular(pop):
...     sim.stat(pop, alleleFreq=sim.ALL_AVAIL)
...     freq = [pop.dvars().alleleFreq[x][1] for x in range(pop.totNumLoci())]
...     max_freq = max(freq)
...     pop.dvars().selLoci = (freq.index(max_freq), max_freq)
...     return [freq.index(max_freq)]
>>> pop.evolve(
...     initOps=[
...         sim.InitSex(),
...         sim.InitGenotype(freq=[0.6, 0.4]),
...     ],
...     preOps=[
...         sim.MaSelector(fitness=[1, 0.9, 0.8], loci=mostPopular),
...         sim.PyEval(r"'gen=%d, select against %d with frequency %.2f\n' % (gen, selLoci[0], selLoci[1])"),
...     ],
...     matingScheme=sim.RandomMating(),
...     gen=10,
... )
gen=0, select against 6 with frequency 0.45
gen=1, select against 7 with frequency 0.46
gen=2, select against 2 with frequency 0.51
gen=3, select against 2 with frequency 0.48
gen=4, select against 2 with frequency 0.45
gen=5, select against 9 with frequency 0.45
gen=6, select against 3 with frequency 0.46
gen=7, select against 9 with frequency 0.44
gen=8, select against 7 with frequency 0.47
gen=9, select against 3 with frequency 0.44

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Write output of operators to one or more files

All operators we have seen, except for the SavePopulation operator in Example applicableGen, write their output to the standard output, namely your terminal window. However, it would be much easier for bookkeeping and further analysis if these output can be redirected to disk files. Parameter output is designed for this purpose.

Parameter output can take the following values:

  • '' (an empty string): No output.
  • '>': Write to standard output.
  • 'filename' or '>filename': Write the output to a file named filename. If multiple operators write to the same file, or if the same operator writes to the file file several times, only the last write operation will succeed.
  • '>>filename': Append the output to a file named filename. The file will be opened at the beginning of evolve function and closed at the end. An existing file will be cleared.
  • '>>>filename': This is similar to the '>>' form but the file will not be cleared at the beginning of the evolve function.
  • '!expr': expr is considered as a Python expression that will be evaluated at a population’s local namespace whenever an output string is needed. For example, '!''%d.txt'' % gen' would return 0.txt, 1.txt etc at generation 0, 1, ….
  • File handle of an opened file. Actually any python object with a write function.
  • A Python function that can accept a string as its only parameter (func(msg)). When an operator outputs a message, this function will be called with this message.
  • A WithMode(output, 'b') object with output being the any of the allowed output string or function. This object tells simuPOP that the output is opened in binary model so that it should output bytes instead of texts to it. This is mostly designed for Python 3 because file objects in Python 2 accepts string even if they are opened in binary mode.

Because a table output such as the one in Example hybridOperator is written by several operators, it is clear that all of them need to use the '>>' output format.

The SavePopulation operator in Example applicableGen write to file sample.pop. This works well if there is only one replicate but not so when the operator is applied to multiple populations. Only the last population will be saved successfully! In this case, the expression form of parameter output should be used.

The expression form of this parameter accepts a Python expression. Whenever a filename is needed, this expression is evaluated against the local namespace of the population it is applied to. Because the evolve function automatically sets variables gen and rep in a population’s local namespace, such information can be used to produce an output string. Of course, any variable in this namespace can be used so you are not limited to these two variable.

Example hybridOperator demonstrates the use of these two parameters. In this example, a table is written to file LD.txt using output='>>LD.txt'. Similar operation to output='R2.txt' fails because only the last \(R^{2}\) value is written to this file. The last operator writes output for each replicate to their respective output file such as LD_0.txt, using an expression that involves variable rep.

Example: Use the output and outputExpr parameters

>>> import simuPOP as sim
>>> simu = sim.Simulator(sim.Population(size=1000, loci=2), rep=3)
>>> simu.evolve(
...     initOps=[
...         sim.InitSex(),
...         sim.InitGenotype(genotype=[1, 2, 2, 1])
...     ],
...     matingScheme = sim.RandomMating(ops=sim.Recombinator(rates=0.01)),
...     postOps=[
...         sim.Stat(LD=[0, 1]),
...         sim.PyEval(r"'%.2f\t' % LD[0][1]", step=20, output='>>LD.txt'),
...         sim.PyOutput('\n', reps=-1, step=20, output='>>LD.txt'),
...         sim.PyEval(r"'%.2f\t' % R2[0][1]", output='R2.txt'),
...         sim.PyEval(r"'%.2f\t' % LD[0][1]", step=20, output="!'>>LD_%d.txt' % rep"),
...     ],
...     gen=100
... )
(100, 100, 100)
>>> print(open('LD.txt').read())
0.25 0.24    0.24
0.21 0.20    0.21
0.16 0.15    0.17
0.15 0.13    0.13
0.11 0.10    0.13

>>> print(open('R2.txt').read())    # Only the last write operation succeed.
>>> print(open('LD_2.txt').read())  # Each replicate writes to a different file.
0.24 0.21    0.17    0.13    0.13

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Example outputFunc demonstrates an advanced usage of the output parameter. In this example, a logging object is created to write to a logfile as well as the standard output. The info and debug functions of this object are assigned to two operators so that their outputs can be sent to both a logfile and to the console window. One of the advantages of using a logging mechanism is that debugging output could be suppressed easily by adjusting the logging level of the logging object. Note that function automatically adds a new line to its input messages before it writes them to an output.

Example: Output to a Python function

>>> import simuPOP as sim
>>> import logging
>>> # logging to a file simulation.log, with detailed debug information
>>> logging.basicConfig(
...     filename='simulation.log',
...     level=logging.DEBUG,
...     format='%(levelname)s: %(message)s',
...     filemode='w'
... )
>>> formatter = logging.Formatter('%(message)s')
>>> logger = logging.getLogger('')
>>> pop = sim.Population(size=1000, loci=2)
>>> pop.evolve(
...     initOps=[
...         sim.InitSex(),
...         sim.InitGenotype(genotype=[1, 2, 2, 1])
...     ],
...     matingScheme = sim.RandomMating(ops=sim.Recombinator(rates=0.01)),
...     postOps=[
...         sim.Stat(LD=[0, 1]),
...         sim.PyEval(r"'LD: %d, %.2f' % (gen, LD[0][1])", step=20,
...   ,   # send LD to console and a logfile
...         sim.PyEval(r"'R2: %d, %.2f' % (gen, R2[0][1])", step=20,
...             output=logger.debug),  # send R2 only to a logfile
...     ],
...     gen=100
... )
>>> print(open('simulation.log').read())
INFO: LD: 0, 0.25
DEBUG: R2: 0, 0.97
INFO: LD: 20, 0.20
DEBUG: R2: 20, 0.64
INFO: LD: 40, 0.18
DEBUG: R2: 40, 0.51
INFO: LD: 60, 0.12
DEBUG: R2: 60, 0.25
INFO: LD: 80, 0.10
DEBUG: R2: 80, 0.17

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During-mating operators

All operators in Examples applicableGen, replicate and output are applied before or after mating. There is, however, a hidden during-mating operator that is called by RandomMating(). This operator is called MendelianGenoTransmitter() and is responsible for transmitting genotype from parents to offspring according to Mendel’s laws. All pre-defined mating schemes (see Section sec_Mating_Schemes) use a special kind of during-mating operator to transmit genotypes. They are called genotype transmitters just to show the kind of task they perform. More during mating operators could be specified by replacing the default operator used in the ops parameter of a mating scheme (or an offspring generator if you are defining your own mating scheme).

Operators used in a mating scheme honor applicability parameters begin, step, end, at and reps although they do not support negative population and replicate indexes. It is therefore possible to apply different during-mating operators at different generations. For example, a Recombinator is used in Example transmitter to transmit parental genotypes to offspring after generation 30 while the MendelianGenoTransmitter is applied before that.

Example: Genotype transmitters

>>> import simuPOP as sim
>>> pop = sim.Population(size=10000, loci=2)
>>> pop.evolve(
...     initOps=[
...         sim.InitSex(),
...         sim.InitGenotype(genotype=[1, 2, 2, 1])
...     ],
...     matingScheme = sim.RandomMating(ops=[
...         sim.MendelianGenoTransmitter(end=29),
...         sim.Recombinator(rates=0.01, begin=30),
...     ]),
...     postOps=[
...         sim.Stat(LD=[0, 1]),
...         sim.PyEval(r"'gen %d, LD: %.2f\n' % (gen, LD[0][1])", step=20)
...     ],
...     gen=100
... )
gen 0, LD: 0.25
gen 20, LD: 0.25
gen 40, LD: 0.23
gen 60, LD: 0.19
gen 80, LD: 0.15

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During-mating operators can be applied to (virtual) subpopulations using parameter subPops, which refers to (virtual) subpopulations in the offspring population. Section subsec_Pre_defined_genotype_transmitters and sec_Genotype_transmitters list all genotype transmitters, Section subsec_Customized_genotype_transmitter demonstrates how to define your own genotype transmitter, Section subsec_vspSelection demonstrates the use of during-mating operator in virtual subpopulations.

Function form of an operator

Operators are usually applied to populations through a simulator but they can also be applied to a population directly. For example, it is possible to create an InitGenotype operator and apply to a population as follows:

InitGenotype(freq=[.3, .2, .5]).apply(pop)

Similarly, you can apply the hybrid penetrance model defined in Example hybridOperator to a population by

PyPenetrance(func=myPenetrance, loci=[10, 30, 50]).apply(pop)

This usage is used so often that it deserves some simplification. Equivalent functions are defined for most operators. For example, function initGenotype is defined for operator InitGenotype as follows

Example: The function form of operator texttt{InitGenotype

>>> from simuPOP import InitGenotype, Population
>>> def initGenotype(pop, *args, **kwargs):
...     InitGenotype(*args, **kwargs).apply(pop)
>>> pop = Population(1000, loci=[2,3])
>>> initGenotype(pop, freq=[.2, .3, .5])

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These functions are called function form of operators. Using these functions, the above two example can be written as

initGenotype(pop, freq=[.3, .2, .5])


pyPenetrance(pop, func=myPenetrance, loci=[10, 30, 50])

respectively. Note that applicability parameters such as begin and end can still be passed, but they are ignored by these functions.

Finally, it is worth noting that, if you have a function that manipulates population, you can make it an operator by wrapping it in a PyOperator so that it can be called repeatedly during evolution. For example, for a function myFunc that works on a population, you can define a wrapper function

def Func(pop):
    # call myFunc
    return True

which can then use it in a PyOperator as follows:


The wrapper function is not needed if myFunc returns True by itself. It can also be simplifed to a lambda function

PyOperator(func=lambda pop: myFunc(pop) is None)

if you are certain that myFunc does not return any value (return None).


Whereas output files specified by '>' are closed immediately after they are written, those specified by '>>' and '>>>' are not closed after the operator is applied to a population. This is not a problem when operators are used in a simulator because Simulator.evolve closes all files opened by operators, but can cause trouble when the operator is applied directly to a population. For example, multiple calls to dump(pop, output='>>file') will dump pop to file repeatedly but file will not be closed afterward. In this case, closeOutput('file') should be used to explicitly close the file.