
The Population object is the most important object of simuPOP. It consists of one or more generations of individuals, grouped by subpopulations, and a local Python dictionary to hold arbitrary population information. This class provides a large number of functions to access and modify population structure, individuals and their genotypes and information fields. The following sections explain these features in detail.

Access and change individual genotype

From a user’s point of view, genotypes of all individuals in a population are arranged sequentially. Similar to functions Individual.genotype() and Individual.setGenotype(), genotypes of a population can be accessed in batch using functions Population.genotype() and Population.setGenotype(). However, because it is error prone to locate an allele of a particular individual in this long array, these functions are usually used to perform population-level genotype operations such as clearing all alleles (e.g. pop.setGenotype(0)) or counting the number of a particular allele across all individuals (e.g. pop.genotype().count(1)).

Another way to change alleles across the whole population is to recode existing alleles to other numbers. This is sometimes needed if you need to change allele states to conform with a particular mutation model, assumptions of other software applications or genetic samples. For example, if your dataset uses 1, 2, 3, 4 for A, C, T, G alleles, and you would like to use alleles 0, 1, 2 and 3 for A, C, G, T (a convention for simuPOP when nucleotide mutation models are involved), you can use

pop.recodeAlleles([0, 0, 1, 3, 2], alleleNames=['A', 'C', 'G', 'T'])

to convert and rename the alleles (1 allele to 0, 2 allele to 1, etc). This operation will be applied to all subpopulations for all ancestral generations, but can be restricted to selected loci.


A simuPOP population consists of one or more subpopulations. If a population is not structured, it has one subpopulation that is the population itself. Subpopulations serve as barriers of individuals in the sense that mating only happens between individuals in the same subpopulation. A number of functions are provided to merge, remove, resize subpopulations, and move individuals between subpopulations (migration).

Example subPopName demonstrates how to use some of the subpopulation related functions.

Example: Manipulation of subpopulations

>>> import simuPOP as sim
>>> pop = sim.Population(size=[3, 4, 5], ploidy=1, loci=1, infoFields='x')
>>> # individual 0, 1, 2, ... will have an allele 0, 1, 2, ...
>>> pop.setGenotype(range(pop.popSize()))
>>> #
>>> pop.subPopSize(1)
>>> # merge subpopulations
>>> pop.mergeSubPops([1, 2])
>>> # split subpopulations
>>> pop.splitSubPop(1, [2, 7])
(1, 2)
>>> pop.subPopSizes()
(3, 2, 7)
>>> # remove subpopulations
>>> pop.removeSubPops(1)
>>> pop.subPopSizes()
(3, 7)

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Some population operations change the IDs of subpopulations. For example, if a population has three subpopulations 0, 1, and 2, and subpopulation 1 is split into two subpouplations, subpopulation 2 will become subpopulation 3. Tracking the ID of a subpopulation can be problematic, especially when conditional or random subpopulation operations are involved. In this case, you can specify names to subpopulations. These names will follow their associated subpopulations during population operations so you can identify the ID of a subpopulation by its name. Note that simuPOP allows duplicate subpopulation names.

Example: Use of subpopulation names

>>> import simuPOP as sim
>>> pop = sim.Population(size=[3, 4, 5], subPopNames=['x', 'y', 'z'])
>>> pop.removeSubPops([1])
>>> pop.subPopNames()
('x', 'z')
>>> pop.subPopByName('z')
>>> pop.splitSubPop(1, [2, 3])
(1, 2)
>>> pop.subPopNames()
('x', 'z', 'z')
>>> pop.setSubPopName('z-1', 1)
>>> pop.subPopNames()
('x', 'z-1', 'z')
>>> pop.subPopByName('z')

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Virtual subpopulations and virtual splitters *

simuPOP subpopulations can be further divided into virtual subpopulations (VSP), which are groups of individuals who share certain properties. For example, all male individuals, all unaffected individuals, all individuals with information field age > 20, all individuals with genotype 0, 0 at a given locus, can form VSPs. VSPs do not have to add up to the whole subpopulation, nor do they have to be non-overlapping. Unlike subpopulations that have strict boundaries, VSPs change easily with the changes of individual properties.

VSPs are defined by virtual splitters. It is a definition for groups of individuals in each subpopulation. A splitter defines the same number of VSPs in all subpopulations, although sizes of these VSPs vary across subpopulations due to subpopulation differences. For example, a SexSplitter() defines two VSPs, the first with all male individuals and the second with all female individuals, and a InfoSplitter(field='x', values=[1, 2, 4]) defines three VSPs whose members have values 1, 2 and 4 at information field x, respectively. This splitter also allows the use of cutoff values and ranges to define VSPs. If different types of VSPs are needed, a combined splitter can be used to combine VSPs defined by several splitters.

A VSP is represented by a [sp, vsp] pair where sp and vsp can be subpopulation indexes or names. Its name and size can be obtained using functions subPopName() and subPopSize(). Example virtualSplitter demonstrates how to apply virtual splitters to a population, and how to check VSP names and sizes.

Example: Define virtual subpopulations in a population

>>> import simuPOP as sim
>>> import random
>>> pop = sim.Population(size=[200, 400], loci=[30], infoFields='x')
>>> # assign random information fields
>>> sim.initSex(pop)
>>> sim.initInfo(pop, lambda: random.randint(0, 3), infoFields='x')
>>> # define a virtual splitter by sex
>>> pop.setVirtualSplitter(sim.SexSplitter())
>>> pop.numVirtualSubPop()    # Number of defined VSPs
>>> pop.subPopName([0, 0])    # Each VSP has a name
>>> pop.subPopSize([0, 1])    # Size of VSP 1 in subpopulation 0
>>> pop.subPopSize([0, 'Female'])    # Refer to vsp by its name
>>> # define a virtual splitter by information field 'x'
>>> pop.setVirtualSplitter(sim.InfoSplitter(field='x', values=[0, 1, 2, 3]))
>>> pop.numVirtualSubPop()    # Number of defined VSPs
>>> pop.subPopName([0, 0])    # Each VSP has a name
'x = 0'
>>> pop.subPopSize([0, 0])    # Size of VSP 0 in subpopulation 0
>>> pop.subPopSize([1, 0])    # Size of VSP 0 in subpopulation 1

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VSP provides an easy way to access groups of individuals in a subpopulation and allows finer control of an evolutionary process. For example, mating schemes can be applied to VSPs which makes it possible to apply different mating schemes to, for example, individuals with different ages. By applying migration, mutation etc to VSPs, it is easy to implement advanced features such as sex-biased migrations, different mutation rates for individuals at different stages of a disease. Example virtualSubPop demonstrates how to initialize genotype and information fields to individuals in male and female VSPs.

Example: Applications of virtual subpopulations

>>> import simuPOP as sim
>>> import random
>>> pop = sim.Population(10, loci=[2, 3], infoFields='Sex')
>>> sim.initSex(pop)
>>> pop.setVirtualSplitter(sim.SexSplitter())
>>> # initialize male and females with different genotypes.
>>> sim.initGenotype(pop, genotype=[0]*5, subPops=[(0, 0)])
>>> sim.initGenotype(pop, genotype=[1]*5, subPops=[(0, 1)])
>>> # set Sex information field to 0 for all males, and 1 for all females
>>> pop.setIndInfo([sim.MALE], 'Sex', [0, 0])
>>> pop.setIndInfo([sim.FEMALE], 'Sex', [0, 1])
>>> # Print individual genotypes, followed by values at information field Sex
>>> sim.dump(pop, structure=False)
SubPopulation 0 (), 10 Individuals:
   0: FU 11 111 | 11 111 |  2
   1: FU 11 111 | 11 111 |  2
   2: MU 00 000 | 00 000 |  1
   3: MU 00 000 | 00 000 |  1
   4: MU 00 000 | 00 000 |  1
   5: MU 00 000 | 00 000 |  1
   6: MU 00 000 | 00 000 |  1
   7: FU 11 111 | 11 111 |  2
   8: FU 11 111 | 11 111 |  2
   9: FU 11 111 | 11 111 |  2

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Advanced virtual subpopulation splitters **

simuPOP provides a number of virtual splitters that can define VSPs using specified properties. For example, InfoSplitter(field='a', values=[1,2,3]) defines three VSPs whose individuals have values 1, 2, and 3 at information field a, respectively; SexSplitter() defines two VSPs of male and female individuals, respectively; and RangeSplitter(ranges=[[0, 2000], [2000, 5000]]) defines two VSPs using two blocks of individuals.

A CombinedSplitter can be used if your simulation needs more than one sets of VSPs. For example, you may want to split your subpopulations both by sex and by affection status. In this case, you can define a combined splitter using

CombinedSplitter(splitters=[SexSplitter(), AffectionSplitter()])

This splitter simply stacks VSPs defined in AffectionSplitter() after SexSplitter() so that unaffected and affected VSPs are now VSPs 2 and 3 (0 and 1 are used for male and female VSPs).

There are also scenarios when you would like to define finer VSPs with individuals belonging to more than one VSPs. For example, you may want to have a look of frequencies of certain alleles in affected male vs affected females, or count the number of males and females with certain value at an information field. In this case, a ProductSplitter can be used to define VSPs using interactions of several VSPs. For example,

ProductSplitter(splitters=[SexSplitter(), AffectionSplitter()])

defines 4 subpopulations by splitting VSPs defined by SexSplitter() with affection status. These four VSPs will then have unaffected male, affected male, unaffected female and affected female individuals, respectively.

If you consider ProductSplitter as an intersection splitter that defines new VSPs as intersections of existing VSPs, you may wonder how to define unions of VSPs. For example, you can make a case where you want to consider Individuals with information field a < 0 or a > 100 together. A regular InfoSplitter(field='a', cutoff=[0, 100]) cannot do that because it defines three VSPs with \(a<0\), \(0\leq a<100\) and \(a\geq100\), respectively. The trick here is to use parameter vspMap of a CombinedSplitter. If this parameter is defined, multiple VSPs could be groups or reordered to define a new set of VSPs. For example,

CombinedSplitter(splitters=[InfoSplitter(field='a', cutoff=[0, 100])], vspMap=[[0,2], 1])

defines two VSPs using VSPs 0 and 2, and VSP 1 defined by the InfoSplitter so that the first VSP contains individuals with \(a<0\) or \(a\geq100\).

Example advancedVSP demonstrates some advanced usages of virtual splitters.

Example: Advanced virtual subpopulation usages.

>>> import simuPOP as sim
>>> import random
>>> pop = sim.Population(size=[2000, 4000], loci=[30], infoFields='x')
>>> # assign random information fields
>>> sim.initSex(pop)
>>> sim.initInfo(pop, lambda: random.randint(0, 3), infoFields='x')
>>> #
>>> # 1, use a combined splitter
>>> pop.setVirtualSplitter(sim.CombinedSplitter(splitters = [
...     sim.SexSplitter(),
...     sim.InfoSplitter(field='x', values=[0, 1, 2, 3])
... ]))
>>> pop.numVirtualSubPop()    # Number of defined VSPs
>>> pop.subPopName([0, 0])    # Each VSP has a name
>>> pop.subPopSize([0, 0])    # sim.MALE
>>> pop.subPopSize([1, 4])    # individuals in sp 1 with value 2 at field x
>>> #
>>> # use a product splitter that defines additional VSPs by sex and info
>>> pop.setVirtualSplitter(sim.ProductSplitter(splitters = [
...     sim.SexSplitter(names=['M', 'F']),  # give a new set of names
...     sim.InfoSplitter(field='x', values=[0, 1, 2, 3])
... ]))
>>> pop.numVirtualSubPop()    # Number of defined VSPs
>>> pop.subPopName([0, 0])    # Each VSP has a name
'M, x = 0'
>>> pop.subPopSize([0, 0])    # sim.MALE with value 1 in sp 0
>>> pop.subPopSize([1, 5])    # sim.FEMALE with value 1 in sp 1
>>> #
>>> # use a combined splitter to join VSPs defined by a
>>> # product splitter
>>> pop.setVirtualSplitter(sim.CombinedSplitter([
...     sim.ProductSplitter([
...         sim.SexSplitter(),
...         sim.InfoSplitter(field='x', values=[0, 1, 2, 3])])],
...     vspMap = [[0,1,2], [4,5,6], [7]],
...     names = ['Male x<=3', 'Female x<=3', 'Female x=4']))
>>> pop.numVirtualSubPop()    # Number of defined VSPs
>>> pop.subPopName([0, 0])    # Each VSP has a name
'Male x<=3'
>>> pop.subPopSize([0, 0])    # sim.MALE with value 0, 1, 2 at field x
>>> pop.subPopSize([1, 1])    # sim.FEMALE with value 0, 1 or 2 at field x

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Access individuals and their properties

There are many ways to access individuals of a population. For example, function Population.Individual(idx) returns a reference to the idx-th individual in a population. An optional parameter subPop can be specified to return the idx-th individual in the subPop-th subpopulation.

If you would like to access a group of individuals, either from a whole population, a subpopulation, or from a virtual subpopulation, Population.individuals([subPop]) is easier to use. This function returns a Python iterator that can be used to iterate through individuals. An advantage of this function is that subPopcan be a virtual subpopulation which makes it easy to iterate through Individuals with certain properties (such as all male Individuals). If you would like to iterate through multiple virtual subpopulations in one or more ancestral generations, you can use another function Population.allIndividuals(subPops, ancGens).

If more than one generations are stored in a population, function ancestor(idx, [subPop], gen) can be used to access Individual from an ancestral generation (see Section subsec_Ancestral_populations for details). Because there is no group access function for ancestors, it may be more convenient to use useAncestralGen to make an ancestral generation the current generation, and use Population.Individuals. Note that ancestor() function can always access individuals at a certain generation, regardless which generation the current generation is. Example batchAccess demonstrates how to use all these Individual-access functions.

If an unique ID is assigned to all individuals in a population, you can look up individuals from their IDs using function Population.indByID(). The information field to save individual ID is usually ind_id and you can use operator IdTagger and its function form tagID to set this field. Note that this function can be used to look up individuals in the present and all ancestral generations, although a parameter (ancGen) can be used to limit search to a specific generation if you know in advance which generation the individual locates.

Example: Access individuals of a population

>>> import simuPOP as sim
>>> # create a sim.population with two generations. The current generation has values
>>> # 0-9 at information field x, the parental generation has values 10-19.
>>> pop = sim.Population(size=[5, 5], loci=[2, 3], infoFields='x', ancGen=1)
>>> pop.setIndInfo(range(10, 20), 'x')
>>> pop1 = pop.clone()
>>> pop1.setIndInfo(range(10), 'x')
>>> pop.push(pop1)
>>> #
>>> ind = pop.individual(5)       # using absolute index
>>> ind.x
>>> ind.x       # the same as ind.x
>>> # use a for loop, and relative index
>>> for idx in range(pop.subPopSize(1)):
...     print(pop.individual(idx, 1).x)
>>> # It is usually easier to use an iterator
>>> for ind in pop.individuals(1):
...     print(ind.x)
>>> # Access individuals in VSPs
>>> pop.setVirtualSplitter(sim.InfoSplitter(cutoff=[3, 7, 17], field='x'))
>>> for ind in pop.individuals([1, 1]):
...     print(ind.x)
>>> # Access all individuals in all ancestral generations
>>> print([ind.x for ind in pop.allIndividuals()])
[0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0, 10.0, 11.0, 12.0, 13.0, 14.0, 15.0, 16.0, 17.0, 18.0, 19.0]
>>> # or only specified subpopulations or ancestral generations
>>> print([ind.x for ind in pop.allIndividuals(subPops=[(0,2), (1,3)], ancGens=1)])
[10.0, 11.0, 12.0, 13.0, 14.0, 17.0, 18.0, 19.0]
>>> # Access individuals in ancetral generations
>>> pop.ancestor(5, 1).x        # absolute index
>>> pop.ancestor(0, 1, 1).x     # relative index
>>> # Or make ancestral generation the current generation and use 'individual'
>>> pop.useAncestralGen(1)
>>> pop.individual(5).x         # absolute index
>>> pop.individual(0, 1).x      # relative index
>>> # 'ancestor' can still access the 'present' (generation 0) generation
>>> pop.ancestor(5, 0).x
>>> # access individual by ID
>>> pop.addInfoFields('ind_id')
>>> sim.tagID(pop)
>>> [int(ind.ind_id) for ind in pop.individuals()]
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
>>> # access individual by ID. Note that individual 12 is in the parental generation
>>> pop.indByID(12).x

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Although it is easy to access individuals in a population, it is often more efficient to access genotypes and information fields in batch mode. For example, functions genotype() andsetGenotype() can read/write genotype of all individuals in a population or (virtual) subpopulation, functions indInfo() and setIndInfo() can read/write certain information fields in a population or (virtual) subpopulation. The write functions work in a circular manner in the sense that provided values are reused if they are not enough to fill all genotypes or information fields. Example batchAccess demonstrates the use of such functions.

Example: Access Individual properties in batch mode

>>> import simuPOP as sim
>>> import random
>>> pop = sim.Population(size=[4, 6], loci=2, infoFields='x')
>>> pop.setIndInfo([random.randint(0, 10) for x in range(10)], 'x')
>>> pop.indInfo('x')
(7.0, 5.0, 8.0, 10.0, 7.0, 0.0, 8.0, 4.0, 4.0, 10.0)
>>> pop.setGenotype([0, 1, 2, 3], 0)
>>> pop.genotype(0)
[0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3]
>>> pop.setVirtualSplitter(sim.InfoSplitter(cutoff=[3], field='x'))
>>> pop.setGenotype([0])    # clear all values
>>> pop.setGenotype([5, 6, 7], [1, 1])
>>> pop.indInfo('x', 1)
(7.0, 0.0, 8.0, 4.0, 4.0, 10.0)
>>> pop.genotype(1)
[5, 6, 7, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6, 7, 5, 6, 7, 5, 6, 7, 5, 6, 7, 5, 6, 7, 5, 6]

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Attach arbitrary auxillary information using information fields

Information fields are usually set during population creation, using the infoFields parameter of the population constructor. It can also be set or added using functions setInfoFields, addInfoFieldand addInfoFields. Example popInfo demonstrates how to read and write information fields from an individual, or from a population in batch mode. Note that functions Population.indInfo and Population.setIndInfo can be applied to (virtual) subpopulation using a optional parameter subPop.

Example: Add and use of information fields in a population

>>> import simuPOP as sim
>>> pop = sim.Population(10)
>>> pop.setInfoFields(['a', 'b'])
>>> pop.addInfoFields('c')
>>> pop.addInfoFields(['d', 'e'])
>>> pop.infoFields()
('a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e')
>>> #
>>> # information fields can be accessed in batch mode
>>> pop.setIndInfo([1], 'c')
>>> # as well as individually.
>>> for ind in pop.individuals():
...     ind.e = ind.c + 1
>>> print(pop.indInfo('e'))
(2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0)

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Keep track of ancestral generations

A simuPOP population usually holds individuals in one generation. During evolution, an offspring generation will replace the parental generation and become the present generation (population), after it is populated from a parental population. The parental generation is discarded.

This is usually enough when only the present generation is of interest. However, parental generations can provide useful information on how genotype and other information are passed from parental to offspring generations. simuPOP provides a mechanism to store and access arbitrary number of ancestral generations in a population object. Applications of this feature include pedigree tracking, reconstruction, and pedigree ascertainments.

A parameter ancGen is used to specify how many generations a population object can store (which is usually called the ancestral depth of a population). This parameter is default to 0, meaning keeping no ancestral population. You can specify a positive number n to store n most recent generations; or -1 to store all generations. Of course, storing all generations during an evolutionary process is likely to exhaust the RAM of your computer quickly.

Several member functions can be used to manipulate ancestral generations:

  • ancestralGens()returns the number of ancestral generations stored in a population.
  • setAncestralDepth(depth) resets the number of generations a population can store.
  • push(pop) will push population pop into the current population. pop will become the current generation, and the current generation will either be removed (if ancGen == 0), or become the parental generation of pop. The greatest ancestral generation may be removed. This function is rarely used because populations with ancestral generations are usually created during an evolutionary process.
  • useAncestralGen(idx) set the present generation to idx generation. idx = 1 for the parental generation, 2 for grand-parental, …, and 0 for the present generation. This is useful because most population functions act on the present generation. You should always call setAncestralPop(0) after you examined the ancestral generations.

If a population has several ancestral generations, they are referred by their indexes 0 (the latest generation), 1 (parental generation), … and \(k\) (top-most ancestral generation) where \(k\) equals to ancestralGens(). In many cases, you can retrieve the properties of ancestral generations directly, using functions such as

  • popSize(ancGen=-1), subPopSizes(ancGen=-1), subPopSize(subPop, ancGen=-1): population and subpopulation sizes of ancestral generation ancGen.
  • ancestor(index, ancGen): Get a reference to the index individual of ancestral generation ancGen.

However, most population member functions work at the current generation so you will need to switch to an ancestral generation using function useAncestralGen() if you would like to manipulate an ancestral generation. For example, you can remove the second subpopulation of the parental generation using functions:


A typical use of ancestral generations is demonstrated in example extract. In this example, a population is created and is initialized with allele frequency 0.5. Its ancestral depth is set to 2 at the beginning of generation 18 so that it can hold parental generations at generation 18 and 19. The allele frequency at each generation is calculated and displayed, both during evolution using a Stat operator, and after evolution using the function form this operator. Note that setting the ancestral depth at the end of an evolutionary process is a common practice because we are usually only interested in the last few generations.

Example: Ancestral populations

>>> import simuPOP as sim
>>> pop = sim.Population(500, loci=1, ancGen=2)
>>> pop.evolve(
...     initOps=[
...         sim.InitSex(),
...         sim.InitGenotype(freq=[0.5, 0.5])
...     ],
...     matingScheme = sim.RandomMating(),
...     postOps=[
...         sim.Stat(alleleFreq=0, begin=-3),
...         sim.PyEval(r"'%.3f\n' % alleleFreq[0][0]", begin=-3)
...     ],
...     gen = 20
... )
>>> # information
>>> pop.ancestralGens()
>>> pop.popSize(ancGen=1)
>>> pop.setVirtualSplitter(sim.SexSplitter())
>>> # number of males in the current and parental generation
>>> pop.subPopSize((0,0)), pop.subPopSize((0,0), ancGen=1)
(254, 249)
>>> # start from current generation
>>> for i in range(pop.ancestralGens(), -1, -1):
...   pop.useAncestralGen(i)
...   sim.stat(pop, alleleFreq=0)
...   print('%d   %.3f' % (i, pop.dvars().alleleFreq[0][0]))
2   0.495
1   0.510
0   0.506
>>> # restore to the current generation
>>> pop.useAncestralGen(0)

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Change genotypic structure of a population

Several functions are provided to remove, add empty loci or chromosomes, and to merge loci or chromosomes from another population. They can be used to trim unneeded loci, expand existing population or merge two populations. Example extract demonstrates how to use these populations. Note that function Population.addLociFrom by default merges chromosomes one by one according to chromosome index. If byName is set to True, it will try to match chromosomes by name and merge them. This example also demonstrates the use of DBG_WARNING flag, which will trigger a warning message when chromosomes with different names are merged.

Example: Add and remove loci and chromosomes

>>> import simuOpt
>>> simuOpt.setOptions(debug='DBG_WARNING')
>>> import simuPOP as sim
Turn on debug 'DBG_WARNING'
>>> pop = sim.Population(10, loci=3, chromNames=['chr1'])
>>> # 1 1 1,
>>> pop.setGenotype([1])
>>> # 1 1 1, 0 0 0
>>> pop.addChrom(lociPos=[0.5, 1, 2], lociNames=['rs1', 'rs2', 'rs3'],
...     chromName='chr2')
>>> pop1 = sim.Population(10, loci=3, chromNames=['chr3'],
...     lociNames=['rs4', 'rs5', 'rs6'])
>>> # 2 2 2,
>>> pop1.setGenotype([2])
>>> # 1 1 1, 0 0 0, 2 2 2
>>> pop.addChromFrom(pop1)
>>> # 1 1 1, 0 0 0, 2 0 2 2 0
>>> pop.addLoci(chrom=[2, 2], pos=[1.5, 3.5], lociNames=['rs7', 'rs8'])
(7, 10)
>>> # 1 1 1, 0 0 0, 2 0 2 0
>>> pop.removeLoci(8)
>>> # loci names can also be used.
>>> pop.removeLoci(['rs1', 'rs7'])
>>> sim.dump(pop)
Ploidy: 2 (diploid)
1: chr1 (AUTOSOME, 3 loci)
   (1),  (2),  (3)
2: chr2 (AUTOSOME, 2 loci)
  rs2 (1), rs3 (2)
3: chr3 (AUTOSOME, 3 loci)
  rs4 (1), rs6 (3), rs8 (3.5)
population size: 10 (1 subpopulations with 10 Individuals)
Number of ancestral populations: 0

SubPopulation 0 (), 10 Individuals:
   0: MU 111 00 220 | 111 00 220
   1: MU 111 00 220 | 111 00 220
   2: MU 111 00 220 | 111 00 220
   3: MU 111 00 220 | 111 00 220
   4: MU 111 00 220 | 111 00 220
   5: MU 111 00 220 | 111 00 220
   6: MU 111 00 220 | 111 00 220
   7: MU 111 00 220 | 111 00 220
   8: MU 111 00 220 | 111 00 220
   9: MU 111 00 220 | 111 00 220

>>> # add loci from another population
>>> pop2 = sim.Population(10, loci=2, lociPos=[0.1, 2.2], chromNames='chr3')
>>> pop.addLociFrom(pop2)
WARNING: Chromosome 'chr3' is merged to chromosome 'chr1'.
>>> pop.addLociFrom(pop2, byName=2)
>>> sim.dump(pop, genotype=False)
Ploidy: 2 (diploid)
1: chr1 (AUTOSOME, 5 loci)
   (0.1),  (1),  (2),  (2.2),  (3)
2: chr2 (AUTOSOME, 2 loci)
  rs2 (1), rs3 (2)
3: chr3 (AUTOSOME, 5 loci)
   (0.1), rs4 (1),  (2.2), rs6 (3), rs8 (3.5)
population size: 10 (1 subpopulations with 10 Individuals)
Number of ancestral populations: 0

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Remove or extract individuals and subpopulations from a population

Functions Population.removeIndividuals and Population.removeSubPops remove selected individuals or groups of individuals from a population. Functions Population.extractIndividuals and Population.extractSubPops extract individuals and subpopulations from an existing population and form a new one.

Functions removeIndividauls and extractIndividuals could be used to remove or extract individuals from the present generation by indexes or from all ancestral generations by IDs or a Python filter function. This function should accept parameter ind or one or more information fields. simuPOP will pass individual for parameter ind, and values at specified information fields (age in this example) of each individual to this function. The present population structure will be kept, even if some subpopulations are left empty. For example, you could remove the first thirty individuals of a population using


or remove all individuals at age 20 or 30 using

pop.removeIndividuals(IDs=(20, 30), idField='age')

or remove all individuals with age between 20 and 30 using

pop.removeIndividuals(filter=lambda age: age >=20 and age <=30)

. In the last example, a Python lambda function is defined to avoid the definition of a named function.

Functions removeSubPops or extractSubPops could be used to remove or extract subpopulations, or goups of individuals defined by virtual subpopulations from a population. The latter case is very interesting because it could be used to remove or extract individuals with similar properties, such as all individuals between the ages 40 and 60, as demonstrated in Example extract.

Example: Extract individuals

>>> import simuPOP as sim
>>> import random
>>> pop = sim.Population(size=[200, 200], loci=[5, 5], infoFields='age')
>>> sim.initGenotype(pop, genotype=range(10))
>>> sim.initInfo(pop, lambda: random.randint(0,75), infoFields='age')
>>> pop.setVirtualSplitter(sim.InfoSplitter(field='age', cutoff=[20, 60]))
>>> # remove individuals
>>> pop.removeIndividuals(indexes=range(0, 300, 10))
>>> print(pop.subPopSizes())
(180, 190)
>>> # remove individuals using IDs
>>> pop.setIndInfo([1, 2, 3, 4], field='age')
>>> pop.removeIndividuals(IDs=[2, 4], idField='age')
>>> # remove indiviuals using a filter function
>>> sim.initSex(pop)
>>> pop.removeIndividuals(filter=lambda ind: ind.sex() == sim.MALE)
>>> print([pop.individual(x).sex() for x in range(8)])
[2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2]
>>> #
>>> # remove subpopulation
>>> pop.removeSubPops(1)
>>> print(pop.subPopSizes())
>>> # remove virtual subpopulation (people with age between 20 and 60)
>>> pop.removeSubPops([(0, 1)])
>>> print(pop.subPopSizes())
>>> # extract another virtual subpopulation (people with age greater than 60)
>>> pop1 = pop.extractSubPops([(0,2)])
>>> sim.dump(pop1, structure=False, max=10)
SubPopulation 0 (), 0 Individuals:

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Store arbitrary population information as population variables

Each simuPOP population has a Python dictionary that can be used to store arbitrary Python variables. These variables are usually used by various operators to share information between them. For example, the Stat operator calculates population statistics and stores the results in this Python dictionary. Other operators such as the PyEval and TerminateIfread from this dictionary and act upon its information.

simuPOP provides two functions, namely Population.vars() and Population.dvars() to access a population dictionary. These functions return the same dictionary object but dvars() returns a wrapper class so that you can access this dictionary as attributes. For example, pop.vars()['alleleFreq'][0] is equivalent to pop.dvars().alleleFreq[0]. Because dictionary subPop[spID] is frequently used by operators to store variables related to a particular (virtual) subpopulation, function pop.vars(subPop) is provided as a shortcut to pop.vars()['subPop'][spID]. Example popVars demonstrates how to set and access population variables.

Example: population variables

>>> import simuPOP as sim
>>> from pprint import pprint
>>> pop = sim.Population(100, loci=2)
>>> sim.initGenotype(pop, freq=[0.3, 0.7])
>>> print(pop.vars())    # No variable now
>>> pop.dvars().myVar = 21
>>> print(pop.vars())
{'myVar': 21}
>>> sim.stat(pop, popSize=1, alleleFreq=0)
>>> # pprint prints in a less messy format
>>> pprint(pop.vars())
{'alleleFreq': {0: defdict({0: 0.275, 1: 0.725})},
 'alleleNum': {0: defdict({0: 55.0, 1: 145.0})},
 'myVar': 21,
 'popSize': 100,
 'subPopSize': [100]}
>>> # print number of allele 1 at locus 0
>>> print(pop.vars()['alleleNum'][0][1])
>>> # use the dvars() function to access dictionary keys as attributes
>>> print(pop.dvars().alleleNum[0][1])
>>> print(pop.dvars().alleleFreq[0])
defdict({0: 0.275, 1: 0.725})

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It is important to understand that this dictionary forms a local namespace in which Python expressions can be evaluated. This is the basis of how expression-based operators work. For example, the PyEvaloperator in example simple_example evaluates expression ``'%.2f\\t' % LD[0][1]'' in each population’s local namespace when it is applied to that population. This yields different results for different population because their LD values are different. In addition to Python expressions, Python statements can also be executed in the local namespace of a population, using the stmts parameter of the PyEval or PyExec operator. Example expression demonstrates the use of a simuPOP terminator, which terminates the evolution of a population when its expression is evaluated as True. Note that The evolve()function of this example does not specify how many generations to evolve so it will stop only after all replicates stop. The return value of this function indicates how many generations each replicate has evolved. This example also demonstrates how to run multiple replicates of an evolutionary process, which we will discuss in detail latter.

Example: Expression evaluation in the local namespace of a population

>>> import simuPOP as sim
>>> simu = sim.Simulator(sim.Population(100, loci=1), rep=5)
>>> simu.evolve(
...     initOps=[
...         sim.InitSex(),
...         sim.InitGenotype(freq=[0.5, 0.5])
...     ],
...     matingScheme = sim.RandomMating(),
...     postOps=[
...         sim.Stat(alleleFreq=0),
...         sim.TerminateIf('len(alleleFreq[0]) == 1')
...     ]
... )
(129, 1540, 180, 247, 242)

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Save and load a population

simuPOP populations can be saved to and loaded from disk files using Population.save(file) member function and global function loadPopulation. Virtual splitters are not saved because they are considered as runtime definitions. Although files in any extension can be used, extension .pop is recommended. Example savePop demonstrates how to save and load a population in the native simuPOP format.

Example: Save and load a population

>>> import simuPOP as sim
>>> pop = sim.Population(100, loci=5, chromNames=['chrom1'])
>>> pop.dvars().name = 'my sim.Population'
>>> pop.save('sample.pop')
>>> pop1 = sim.loadPopulation('sample.pop')
>>> pop1.chromName(0)
>>> pop1.dvars().name
'my sim.Population'

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The native simuPOP format is portable across different platforms but is not human readable and is not recognized by other applications. If you need to save a simuPOP population in a format that is recognizable by a particular software, you can use functions importPopulation, export, and operator Exporter if you would like to export populations during evolution. These functions are defined in module simuPOP.utils.

Import and export datasets in unsupported formats *

simuPOP provides a few utility functions to import and export populations in common formats such as GENEPOP, Phylip, and STRUCTURE (see chapter utility modules for details). If you need to import data from a file in a format that is not currently supported, you generally need to first scan the file for information such as number and names of chromosomes, loci, alleles, subpopulation, and individuals. After you create a population without genotype information from these parameters, you can scan the file for the second time and fill the population with genotypes and other information. Example importData demonstrates how to define a function to import from a file that is saved by function saveCSV.

Example: Import a population from another file format

>>> import simuPOP as sim
>>> def importData(filename):
...     'Read data from ``filename`` and create a population'
...     data = open(filename)
...     header = data.readline()
...     fields = header.split(',')
...     # columns 1, 3, 5, ..., without trailing '_1'
...     names = [fields[x].strip()[:-2] for x in range(1, len(fields), 2)]
...     popSize = 0
...     alleleNames = set()
...     for line in data.readlines():
...         # get all allele names
...         alleleNames |= set([x.strip() for x in line.split(',')[1:]])
...         popSize += 1
...     # create a population
...     alleleNames = list(alleleNames)
...     pop = sim.Population(size=popSize, loci=len(names), lociNames=names,
...         alleleNames=alleleNames)
...     # start from beginning of the file again
...     data.seek(0)
...     # discard the first line
...     data.readline()
...     for ind, line in zip(pop.individuals(), data.readlines()):
...         fields = [x.strip() for x in line.split(',')]
...         sex = sim.MALE if fields[0] == '1' else sim.FEMALE
...         ploidy0 = [alleleNames.index(fields[x]) for x in range(1, len(fields), 2)]
...         ploidy1 = [alleleNames.index(fields[x]) for x in range(2, len(fields), 2)]
...         ind.setGenotype(ploidy0, 0)
...         ind.setGenotype(ploidy1, 1)
...         ind.setSex(sex)
...     # close the file
...     data.close()
...     return pop
>>> from simuPOP.utils import saveCSV
>>> pop = sim.Population(size=[10], loci=[3, 2], lociNames=['rs1', 'rs2', 'rs3', 'rs4', 'rs5'],
...     alleleNames=['A', 'B'])
>>> sim.initSex(pop)
>>> sim.initGenotype(pop, freq=[0.5, 0.5])
>>> # output sex but not affection status.
>>> saveCSV(pop, filename='sample.csv', affectionFormatter=None,
...     sexFormatter={sim.MALE:1, sim.FEMALE:2})
>>> # have a look at the file
>>> print(open('sample.csv').read())
sex, rs1_1, rs1_2, rs2_1, rs2_2, rs3_1, rs3_2, rs4_1, rs4_2, rs5_1, rs5_2
2, B, B, B, B, B, A, A, B, B, A
2, B, A, B, A, B, A, A, A, A, B
1, B, B, B, B, B, B, B, B, B, A
1, B, A, B, A, B, B, B, A, A, A
1, B, B, B, B, B, B, A, A, B, A
1, A, B, B, A, B, B, B, A, B, B
1, B, B, B, B, B, B, B, B, A, A
2, B, B, A, A, B, A, A, A, B, A
2, A, B, B, B, A, B, B, A, A, B
2, B, A, A, B, A, A, B, B, B, A

>>> pop1 = importData('sample.csv')
>>> sim.dump(pop1)
Ploidy: 2 (diploid)
1:  (AUTOSOME, 5 loci)
  rs1 (1), rs2 (2), rs3 (3), rs4 (4), rs5 (5)
population size: 10 (1 subpopulations with 10 Individuals)
Number of ancestral populations: 0

SubPopulation 0 (), 10 Individuals:

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Unless there are specific requirements in the order and labeling of individuals, exporting a simuPOP population is usually straightforward. Functions that are useful in such occasions include structural functions Population.numSubPop(), Population.subPopName, Population.popSize() and Population.subPopSizes(), and individual access functions Population.individual() and Population.individuals() and individual population access functions such as Individual.allele() and Individual.info(). Function saveFSTAT in the cookbook module fstatUtil or saveCSV in module simuPOP.utils are good examples you can follow.